Plain pack discussion bombs

Further to my previous post ...
To promote its plain pack video the Irish Cancer Society yesterday announced that a Twitter discussion would take place at 8.00pm last night.
The Q&A session was also promoted by ASH (London) and participants were asked to add the hashtag pack attack (#packattack).
I have just checked and there appear to be six tweets at the time of the Twitter Q&A.
Three are by the ICS itself, one is by someone who works for the ICS, and there are two from the 'general public'.
I like this one best:
@Cliona_m: @IrishCancerSoc I think it's brilliant. To see small boy say a pack looks like a rainbow, shows impact of branding for kids #packattack
By the standards of tobacco control this no doubt represents overwhelming public support for standardised packaging.
Reader Comments (6)
Well, it would be if the comment had come from a member of the public....
Good detective work!
Here was my borderline tongue in cheek comment.
@Cliona_m @IrishCancerSoc Hence if packs look like a rainbow it then promotes tolerance of @LGBT people- if so very good #packattack
Talking of LinkedIn I often have ASH and the University of Bath sniffing round my profile, you do get notifications. I take it they are trying to link me, no pun intended to some funding or anything else they can stick on me.
Like the rude tweet you get and retweet it, I always send them an invitation to LinkIn but funnily enough they never accept.
The problem is, Simon, these people from Tobacco Control are so thick-skinned that they would not show one ounce of embarrassment about this farcical episode!
ASH spin doctors are claiming that 62% of the public supports plain packs when what they actually mean is that 62% of people answered a loaded question from a biased polling company "correctly" The spin and manipulation is on a par with that perfected by soviet propagandists but UK and Irish governments keep feeding its instigators cash. No wonder they feel invulnerable! Politicians backed by the medical establishment are sending strong signals to healthist organizations that they can get away with just about anything provided that they are ideologically correct. I believe that the public is weary of public health campaigns but they continue to dominate politics and the media because we now employ a vast number of people whose none-jobs involve pushing whatever the latest campaign happens to be