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Isle of Man considers generational ban on sale of ALL nicotine products

Forest was invited recently to contribute a written submission to an Isle of Man parliamentary committee.

The House of Keys Select Committee on Tobacco and Nicotine Products was established 'to consider proposals for a private member's bill on the subject of tobacco and nicotine controls'.

Chaired by Dr Michelle Haywood MHK (Member of the House of Keys), who proposed the Bill in a speech to parliament last year, ‘The Committee's remit is to consider the subject matter of a proposed Private Member's Bill on the definition and supply of tobacco and nicotine containing products, including prohibiting their sale to people born on or after 1st January 2008 – and to report back to the House’.

I would be surprised if members of the House of Keys (the directly elected lower house of Tynwald, the Isle of Man parliament) were to support a generational ban on the sale of all nicotine products, including e-cigarettes and nicotine pouches.

Nevertheless I’m in no doubt that Dr Haywood's ambition represents the long-term goal of tobacco control activists worldwide.

The deadline for written submissions to the Committee was Friday (March 21) but there is still an opportunity for individuals to respond via this online survey.

It only takes a few minutes so do please complete it before the deadline on Wednesday (March 26).

Interestingly (and I didn't know this until an Isle of Man based reader, Stuart Hartill, pointed it out to me), the voting age on the Isle of Man was reduced to 16 a decade ago.

You can also obtain a driving licence at 16 in the self-governing British Crown dependency, while the Isle of Man TT races famously take place on public roads that to this day have no speed limits.

If however Dr Haywood's proposed private member's bill was to proceed and become law, the sale of tobacco and other nicotine products to anyone aged 18+ would be illegal.

Make of that what you will.

PS. I have never been to the Isle of Man. That's not why I have offered to give oral evidence to the Select Committee, but it would be a nice opportunity should they invite me.

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