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Face to face with civil liberties

In Dublin last week I was shown a facial recognition app - still in development - that calculates someone's age.

Theoretically it could be used by retailers to enforce the generational tobacco sales ban which is due to be introduced in 2027.

But how well does it work? Well, I’m almost 66 and it calculated that I am 61.

A friend, 54, was reckoned to be 43 which was flattering for her but could be problematic for potential users, notably retailers.

Imagine, for example, if in 2030 someone was 25 but the app insisted they were 20 and below the legal age of sale for tobacco.


I dare say the technology will improve but it won't be foolproof and, even if it is, Big Brother Watch (Defending Civil Liberties, Protecting Privacy) may have something to say about it.

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