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The unintended hypocrisy of some public health practitioners

I would never criticise someone for their weight or appearance.

One, it’s rude, potentially hurtful, and none of my business.

Two, as someone who is significantly overweight myself, it would be hypocritical to say the least.

It does astound me though when people who are hardly a picture of health choose to advise or pass comment on other people’s habits.

Yesterday, for example, there was a story on the BBC News website in which Cornwall Council’s Marc Neeld said quitting smoking was "the best thing" a person could do for their health.

Neeld was described as a ‘health practitioner’ but does he practise what he preaches?

Click on the link and let me know, but don’t be rude or unkind because I’m sure he means well.

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Reader Comments (1)

I agree. Why can't people just live and let live?

Who is he to demand that the people of Cornwall do exactly as he says?

Why can't they all just leave us alone to enjoy life as we see fit?

Thursday, March 13, 2025 at 16:12 | Unregistered CommenterPat Nurse

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