Strange tweet

While I wholeheartedly support the #WeStandWithUkraine sentiment this is nevertheless a rather strange tweet, is it not?
I’m sure it was posted with the best of intentions but I’m not convinced that tobacco control will be a priority for many Ukrainians - even those working in public health - when the war is over.
Wars have a habit of putting things in perspective and while most of us want ‘normality’ and peace to return to Ukraine (with the Ukrainians governing their own country without Russian intervention) as soon as possible (a rather optimistic hope) I suspect that, post-war, tackling smoking won’t be an immediate concern for either government or the people, many of whom will have lost their homes, their livelihoods, even friends and family, or been forced to flee.
Just a thought.
H/T Rae Maile and Carl Phillips (via Twitter)
Reader Comments (3)
I am not surprised by this insensitive and crass tweet.
I feel most sorry for the kids in Ukraine. The ones who may not see their parents again. The ones who know that they are in clear and present danger, not from smoking, but from bombs and bullets.
The tweet is so insensitive and frankly ridiculous, I have to question whether she did indeed send it or if it's a troll pretending to be her?
Bonkers best describes it.
Ash and co still not living in the real world
TC and TC-vapers are so predictable.