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Honours update

Another honours list and still no recognition for the long-standing CEOs of ASH and ASH Scotland.

I must sound like a broken record so I won’t repeat what I have written every year since 2013 when I wrote this, New Year Honours: Arnott and Duffy overlooked again.

Nevertheless it does puzzle me that while the directors of regional anti-smoking groups such as Smokefree South West and Tobacco Free Futures (both now defunct) have subsequently been honoured, the principal titans of tobacco control in the UK continue to be overlooked.

What do Deborah Arnott and Sheila Duffy have to do to receive similar recognition? I think we should be told.

See also:
The waiting game (June 2018)
Sheila and Deborah snubbed again (December 2017)
Was it something I wrote? (December 2014)

PS. No chance of forgetting the gong awarded to Ailsa Rutter, director of Fresh North East, in the 2017 New Year Honours List!

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Reader Comments (1)

The alleged hundreds of thousands of smokers who St Ailsa forced to quit is dishonest and they know that if you tell a lie, make it a whopper. We are all beginning to see exactly how many smokers there are in this country thanks to covid forcing us to buy at home, and outrageous claims that pull figures from the air to support propaganda like a million quit for covid or hundreds of thousands quit for Ailsa, is beginning to look very shallow when compared with rising tobacco sales.

I hate that we reward dishonesty but it's all about appearances isn't it.

What you do swimming against the tide, having your character assassinated because you stick up for the little people the likes of Ailsa's organisation aided by the power of the state is is bullying, and having to put up with constantly being misrepresented in the media because of who you support, is far more courageous and worthy in my opinion than some hater doing as she us paid to do with the full weight of state forces behind her.

Year after year the government happily takes our taxes and then forces us to choke on it by funding bullies and rewarding dishonesty.

Friday, January 1, 2021 at 13:25 | Unregistered CommenterPat Nurse

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