The Freedom Dinner – book now!

Pleased to report that The Freedom Dinner at Boisdale of Canary Wharf is proving as popular as ever.
Now in its fourth year, the 2015 event on Tuesday July 7 looks set to attract another full house.
The evening will begin with a whisky cocktail reception on the smoking terrace overlooking the fountains at Cabot Square.
At 7.30pm guests take their places in the main restaurant for a "sumptious three-course dinner with delicious wines" accompanied by live music.
After dinner speeches follow around 9.00pm and after that the majority of guests return to the terrace.
Speakers will be announced shortly. I had a meeting with our principal speaker at Boisdale of Belgravia yesterday and I'm sure you'll like him as much as I did.
He's certainly no stranger to alcohol or tobacco and he feels just as strongly as we do about the increasing restrictions on our individual freedom to eat, drink and smoke without constant nannying.
You can book tickets online by visiting this page. Alternatively telephone Valerie on 0207 715 5815.
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