Fight for the right to be left alone

On June 25, the day after Forest's boat party, the Institute of Ideas' Dave Bowden is hosting a debate, 'Fight for your right to party?', at Bishopsgate Institute in London.
From Camden’s attempt to licence buskers to the closure of popular bars such as Vibe Bar and Madame Jo-Jo’s, there is growing resentment that London’s informal culture is being regulated out of existence. Concerns have been raised even further by the sweeping powers given to councils to clamp down on ‘anti-social behaviour’ ranging from homelessness and disorder to ‘inappropriate dress’ and dog-walking.
Local authorities counter they are responding to pressure from residents to tackle the problems associated with the night-time economy and associated social issues. Is London in danger of becoming over-sanitised or is it simply cleaning up its act? Can we balance informal fun with the challenges of modern urban living?
As it happens we could be fighting for our own right to party soon. Next month ASH will unveil a new programme of tobacco control measures they want government to adopt and it doesn't take a genius to predict that one will be an extension of the regulations to cover shipping and other vessels.
In practice the smoking ban could be extended to include all parts of a ship or boat.
Smoke On The Water, our annual boat party, began five or six years ago in direct response to the current smoking ban.
Each year we dutifully ask the boat hire company, "Can guests smoke on board?" Each year the reply comes back, "Yes, on the open rear deck and the covered walkways on either side of the boat."
The noose tightens, however. Two years ago the captain threatened to abort the cruise because guests were smoking on the upper deck which has a large sliding roof (which was open!).
Last year we were told vaping was permissible on the upper deck, irrespective of whether the roof was open or closed.
This week I was told vaping will be restricted to the same areas where smoking is permitted.
If ASH have their way even that small pleasure could be taken away from us.
Fight for the right to party? Fight for the right to be left alone!
Reader Comments (3)
The only answer is strong political action to reverse the smoking bans!
“ “ASH will unveil the next programme of tobacco control measures they want government to adopt …”
Well, it’ll be an interesting test for our new all-Tory government to see how they square up to these “demands” from ASH. Since when did we elect ASH to “want” the government to do anything? And didn’t Eric Pickles, not so long ago, state that he wanted to investigate so-called “charities” who receive Government funding (ASH were specifically cited as an example of a lobbying organisation masquerading as a charity). Well, maybe now’s his chance – perhaps he can start with ASH itself, by booting them out of hosting – and, effectively, running - the All-Party Committee on Tobacco and Smoking (or whatever it’s called)!
But if nothing else, it’ll give me a chance to mark down on my Big List of MPs exactly how the new kids on the block respond to this demand - the first of their tenure at the HoC - from the anti-smoking brigade. A real test of their mettle, indeed!
PS: Hire another boat and kick the current lot into touch if they're going to start moaning!
ASH makes anti-smoker policy now that it has infiltrated the civil service and corrupted the DoH. Govt, of any colour, can't or won't stop them.