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More smoking stories in the news

Just arrived in Manchester for the Conservative party conference.

Here are two more newspaper reports that feature quotes from Forest today.

According to Scotland on Sunday, 'Support grows for smoking ban to be extended'.

It includes a quote by me:

“The public smoking ban was introduced to protect non-smokers from the alleged risks of second-hand smoke. There is not a shred of evidence that smoking outside is harmful to any non-smoker, young or old.

"This is all about denormalising smoking, pretending that smokers don’t exist.

“What next? Are they going to ban smoking in all outdoor areas, forcing people to smoke at home?”

On a separate issue the Mail on Sunday reports that 'NHS 'bans' GPs from carrying out minor operations on patients who smoke unless they promise to quit'.

This time I am quoted saying:

"Smokers pay a huge amount of money to the state through taxation – more than £10 billion a year. That far outweighs the cost of treating smoking-related diseases, and even of treating cases such as this, which have nothing whatsoever to do with smoking."

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Reader Comments (3)

'The latest research, carried out by YouGov, suggests the public would support further widening of the smoking ban in efforts to protect children.

Action on Smoking and Health (ASH) Scotland, which commissioned the poll, welcomed the findings'

Surprise surprise....

Monday, September 30, 2013 at 0:45 | Unregistered Commenterdavid

YouGov and ASH? I'd sooner trust Del Boy. 70+% supporting it? There we go, again. The figure '70' is pretty standard with any YouGov smoking 'survey' - @70% supported the original ban, @70% of smokers wanted to quit - funny how when others do 'polls' they never seem to have that result.

Not making any accusations here, just quoting a fact.

Monday, September 30, 2013 at 9:47 | Unregistered CommenterFrank J

Something must be done to expose the incestuous relationship between YouGov and ASH.

If you see any Tories this evening Simon, please tell them I smoke and I vote and I won't be voting Tory if this consumer harassment doesn't end.

Monday, September 30, 2013 at 11:43 | Unregistered CommenterPat Nurse

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