Pride of Britain hotelier supports smoking ban review

A leading hotelier says Antony Worrall Thompson is right to call for a review of the smoking ban.
Pride of Britain chief executive Peter Hancock says the smoking ban "has crucified pubs and clubs in all parts of Britain and continues to do so".
Full story here including the following soundbite from Caterer and Hotelkeeper's Neil Gerrard:
"The ban has undeniably contributed to the increased closure rate of pubs over the past five years."
Try telling ASH that!
The magazine's website also has one of those self-selecting online polls allowing you to vote 'yes' or 'no' when asked 'Should the Government review the smoking ban. When I voted a few minutes ago it was 50:50.
Harmless fun. Click here and scroll down.

Someone called Mike thinks AWT is an "idiot" for proposing a review of the smoking ban:
Like that's going to happen. Pubs are closing as a result of drink/driving legislation and the ridiculous price of a pint, not the smoking ban. Many pubs have seen an increase in footfall since the ban as non-smokers (the vast majority of the population) are going to pubs when previously many wouldn't because of the stink and health issues.
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Reader Comments (11)
Here in Ireland where we have the ban in place longer than any other Country, I can attest that it has ruined the Irish pub, and for the worst. Road traffic regulations later, but the ban started the rot in 2004. It has taken seven years to convince the outgoing friendly Irish to drink and smoke at home on their own. Out of sight is out of mind for the puritans. !
This guy says he was a licencee and smoked for 32 years. Think of all the SHS he inhaled as well as smoking himself.
How come he is still with us? Must he not have died several times over?
"The magazine's website also has one of those self-selecting online polls allowing you to vote 'yes' or 'no' when asked 'Should the Government review the smoking ban. When I voted a few minutes ago it was 50:50. "
Well it is now 'yes' 72.41% and 'no' 27.59%. Must be part of the tobacco indusries camapaign!
I voted as well, Timbone - at that time it was 55% for revision and 45% against. Clearly, ASH are losing control of the media - upon which they depend.
I am still wary of this Stirling Uni thing. Shouldn't we be demanding that their study details should be published on the internet for ALL to see? This goes not only for the particular study involved at Stirling Uni, but to all of ASH's studies. We need to be able to see ALL OF THEM if they have been publicly funded in any way. And that goes for charity funded studies - if those studies are used to form Government policy.
Tobacco Control set up an elaborate system of front groups (including CRUK, for example). Their secrecy is now beginning to unravel, and the 'opening up' must not stop at Stirling Uni.
We shall see.
Mike, the man who thinks AWT is an Idiot. Come to Dartford and see all the non-smokers watching Football in the pubs and I'll take you around them personally, and if it's raining me and you may be the only patrons there. (you must be having a laugh). A lady I picked up in my Taxi in London this week who runs a pub in the West End told me the only time now I'm busy all night and thats if the weather is good, and this will be her last pub after being in the trade for many years and her previous pub which she and her husband had ran for fifthteen years sadly had to close. 80% downturn because of the smoking ban, and problems with the local Council because of people standing outside, and this was in a very affluent area in Berkshire. So I'd love to no which pubs this Mike goes to?
Yesterday, I checked the figures twice on the Smoking_ban ePetition. It was 2,488. I remember thinking that if we had just 12 more votes, the figure would stand at exactly 2,500.
I have just this minute checked it again, (11 am) and now the figure stands at 2,462, which is 26 votes less than yesterday.
I wasn't drunk yesterday and my eyesight has not deteriated. Can anyone else please tell me if they looked or checked yesterday, and what they saw?
If what Peter says is true, this is a very serious matter if the 'Dictators' are sabotaging the 'yes' vote.
I wouldnt put it past the bastards, especially when you see the easy way they are able to close ranks and plead Omerta whenever the opposition asks politely to see the conclusions on their research studies.
It just aint good enough and we shouldnt put up with it any longer.
Lets hire some hackers to throw an eye over their books.
God knows there must be a few of them out there that would be glad to make a few bob in these recessionary times and I cant see how it could be called dishonest, when we're only trying to find out how our tax bucks are being spent!
Peter, I think it must be your eyesight or wishful thinking! We have been monitoring the petition every day and it has never been above 'Save OUR Maternity Services at Fairfield General Hospital, Bury' which is currently on 2,479 so I don't think AWT's petition could have been on 2,488.
Btw, it is inevitable that the rate at which people sign the petition will slow or occasionally stall. We have to keep finding new ways to boost numbers. That's something we're working on and I hope others are too.
I must admit that I had had my head buried in figures all day, and so therefore eyestrain may have played a part in it. Sorry if I worried anyone!
Regarding boosting new numbers, I have been putting on Facebook every day up to a week ago, when I had to concentrate on others things. I am now going to put it back on Facebook again, along with Twitter and Google Buzz.
I am off to Spain again on Tuesday - and it costs quite a bit for roaming in Spain - so I do hope others will keep up the good work.
Monday morning - 10.25. Total now 2,490. As my teacher used to say "Can do better - must try harder"
Just voted and currently stands at 74.12% Yes to 24.88% No.