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It's official, I am an idiot

I can't believe it.

Three months ago I was invited to attend a private reception followed by a concert and supper at the Royal Festival Hall.

We were promised a "fabulous evening of Hollywood Soundscapes" and "entertainment inspired by the glamour of Hollywood".

Better still, "Our post-concert supper promises to entertain and enlighten with our guest speaker Joanna Lumley providing a fascinating insight into working in show business and alongside many Hollywood greats".

I was really looking forward to it.

But last night, as the London Philharmonic Orchestra played their Hollywood Soundscapes and Joanna Lumley stood up to entertain and enlighten, I wasn't there.

I got the date wrong. I thought the event was on Friday 21st October.

How could I have been so stupid? I really am a complete idiot.

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Reader Comments (3)

You obviously need the new I-Phone 4S with the personal assistant Siri. Just speak to 'her' and tell 'her' to remind you of an appointment etc and 'she' will.

Getting like Star Trek isn't it? :)

Saturday, October 8, 2011 at 20:41 | Unregistered CommenterSmoking Hot

Silly boy.

But it is a good job that you are not on a Jobseeker's 'Employment Programme'. If you were, and got the date of an appointment wrong, you could be 'sanctioned' (fined) 26 weeks benefit - that's about £1400.

That happened to the son of a relative of mine, but by dint of writing lots of letters and doing a lot of study, I got it reduced to about £400. Still a whacking sanction (fine) for failing to turn up at a totally useless, so-called 'Employment Programme'.

I think that you should be 'sanctioned' to the extent of 26 weeks salary - by your wife!

Sunday, October 9, 2011 at 1:55 | Unregistered CommenterJunican

Well I can not say anything because I don't know you, but I think nobody is able to know you as you do... So mayube yeah, you're an idiot.
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Thursday, November 24, 2011 at 14:45 | Unregistered CommenterJames Parker

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