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Not dead yet

Another year, another birthday, and looking at the handful of cards I have received a theme seems to be emerging.

To ‘celebrate’ we had brunch at The Watch Office, a Grade II listed building that once served as a central operations hub for the RAF during World War II.

Instead of my normal full English breakfast I ordered the American Waffle Stack: Belgian waffle, crispy bacon, and fried chicken with hot honey glaze (below).

Back home my aunt, 87, rang to wish me a happy birthday.

Sounding remarkably cheerful, she reported that of the group of six people (three men, three women) she and her late husband often went on holiday with, only three are still alive and it’s the men who have all died, which is reassuring.

Sad but undeterred by the loss of their husbands, they are all going on a coach trip to Lake Garda next month.

To paraphrase my aunt, “I wouldn’t mind if I died tomorrow, but while I’m alive I’m going to make the most of what time I have left.”

My mother, 94, has the same attitude to life (and death) and in May I’m taking her to Zurich to see her sister who will be 100 next month.

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