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Was it something I said?

According to a study led by UCL researchers, 'Most smokers wrongly believe vaping is at least as harmful as smoking'.

The UCL press release was embargoed until 4.00pm this afternoon and is getting quite a lot of coverage.

Yesterday I was invited by BBC News (online) to respond to the study so I sent this comment:

“Government is partly to blame for the confusion because banning disposable vapes and threatening to severely restrict the display and packaging of e-cigarettes is hardly the best way to promote a reduced risk product that has helped millions of smokers to quit.

“Furthermore, is it any wonder that smokers are confused about the perceived risk of vaping when the message coming from government and the public health industry is that the only people who should vape are adults who want to quit smoking, and no-one should vape long-term or recreationally.”

Naturally they didn't use any of it, although they did quote Deborah Arnott, the outgoing CEO of ASH.

Was it something I said?

Update: After a little prompting (by me) BBC News has updated its report to include my quote.

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Reader Comments (1)

Why would I believe anything that Deborah Arnott and anti smoker lobby group ASH has to say after decades of coming out with all kinds of crap about smoking - some true and some over egged for effect because of a visceral hatred of tobacco companies, a desire to turn the public against people who smoke, and the political aim to achieve a world with no smokers in it.

I base my knowledge of ecigs on what my body tells me not what some over paid activist or vaping enthusiast has to say about it. I find that ecigs make me cough and also make me breathless in a way that smoking does not. I find that the best harm reduction method for me is to smoke less.

It's criminal that smokers like me who don't like ecigs, and have no desire to quit smoking, could benefit from knowing how to smoke much less if only they were not excluded from the THR exclusive club which only wants fully paid up members of the tobacco hating society.

Thursday, February 29, 2024 at 11:20 | Unregistered CommenterPat Nurse

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