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My first podcast

Until this week the closest I had got to appearing on a podcast was a recent request to take part in the Sky News Daily Podcast.

That fell through because of ‘technical problems’ but not before I had downloaded, as requested, a shiny new app that describes itself as ‘Your online recording studio’.

On Wednesday however I finally joined the global podcasting fraternity when I was interviewed for an episode of TPA Talks, the TaxPayers Alliance podcast.

There are 25 episodes on YouTube and previous guests have included journalist and broadcaster Julia Hartley-Brewer, education reformer Katherine Birbalsingh, and comedian Leo Kearse, so I am in good company.

I arrived shortly after lunch and was led into a small but impressively equipped studio at the back of the TPA’s office in Westminster.

Unfortunately, despite being told that most TPA Talks last 20-30 minutes, verbosity got the better of me and I couldn't stop talking.

Perhaps it was the relaxed, friendly environment, but I’m mortified to report that I was still talking even as we passed the hour mark.

I can only apologise to my hosts who were lovely and far more professional.

I’ll post a link to the edited version when it ‘drops’. Available on YouTube, Apple Podcasts, and other platforms.

Above: with TPA operations manager Benjamin Elks

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