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GB News - Should smoking be banned?

I was on GB News yesterday discussing the question ‘Should the UK ban smoking?’

Presented by Calvin Robinson, the other guest was “stop smoking expert” Louise Ross who is also ‘interim chair’ of the New Nicotine Alliance, although that role wasn’t mentioned.

Louise and I were interviewed separately - and it was a relatively brief discussion, not the longer debate I had anticipated - but two things she said stood out.

One, like all anti-smoking campaigners she welcomed a tobacco levy because, she said, the industry should pay for smoking cessation services and the treatment of smoking-related diseases.

It’s an argument that ignores the fact that the tobacco companies already pay huge sums in corporation tax and the cost of treating smoking-related illnesses is covered several times over by the tax and VAT on tobacco.

It also ignores the expectation that the cost of a levy will be passed on to the consumer, which is one of several reasons the government has previously rejected the idea.

Two, Louise rather airily dismissed the threat of smoking being banned in the UK, arguing that it’s not government policy. That is true but I’m old enough to remember when it wasn’t government policy to ban smoking in every pub in the country and look what happened.

In any case it’s pretty obvious that what we’ve witnessed since the introduction of the smoking ban - including a ban on the sale of menthol cigarettes and localised restrictions on outdoor smoking - is edging us in the direction of full-scale prohibition, whether it’s the sale or consumption of tobacco.

Excessive restrictions on where people can smoke and bans on an entire category of cigarette may not represent a complete ban on smoking but it’s what I call creeping prohibition and the direction of travel is clear.

In short, Louise’s emollient words (and kind-hearted disposition) may appease some people but I’ve been here before so forgive my cynicism.

You can watch the discussion here.

Even if you don’t watch it it’s worth reading the comments below the video. At the time of writing there are 432 and a quick glance suggests very little support for smoking to be banned, even among those who actively dislike it.

It’s little wonder then that tobacco control campaigners play down the idea - just as they played down a comprehensive ban on indoor public smoking for many years before supporting the policy - but it doesn’t mean that prohibition of tobacco, and therefore smoking, is not their long-term goal.

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Reader Comments (2)

I don't doubt that she would play down any plans to ban smoking because as someone who now works for the anti smoker industry, she follows the Tobacco Control playbook and we know already from decades of experience how they work with misinformation, downright lies, and the "smoke screen" of deceit.

As you might recall, the majority of people were against indoor bans in pubs, restaurants and bars, before 2007 which is why no Government would do it before smokerphobic and egocentric Tony Blair allowed himself to be taken in by the trickery of the anti smoker industry which lied about the public desire for indoor bans everywhere when the majority favoured choice. They also used the politics of division and envy by playing off the devoluted countries against each other.

Blair always wanted change for the sake of change and no subject was off limits in his obsession to leave some form of legacy. Most remember him as the man who jumped into war for the sake of it, after having lied about the need for war, and the man who broke up the UK and ruined Britain.

But, however much damage he caused, I find it interesting to note that war and devolution never lost Labour the vote in a general election until after the imposition of the blanket smoking ban when Labour never won a national election again.

Given the damage the party caused, here's hoping they never get another chance to screw us over with divisive and authoritarian policies ever again and I would hope that any future Government does not fall for the same dishonest tactics from the anti smoker industry - but I won't hold my breath even though I still have plenty of it left after a lifetime of enjoying smoking.

Sunday, August 28, 2022 at 16:44 | Unregistered CommenterPat Nurse

"here's hoping they never get another chance to screw us over with divisive and authoritarian policies ever again and I would hope that any future Government does not fall for the same dishonest tactics from the anti smoker industry"

Sadly they did, Pat.

Lessons Learned From Tobacco Control Should be Applied to Climate Policy

Deja Vu All Over Again

"For both issues, the scientific evidence mounted gradually over the years. Both tobacco and climate change negatively impact public health and disproportionately affect poorer countries and lower socioeconomic groups. Both have long lead times between cause and effect, and the solutions for both require significant political will, comprehensive international policies, and long-term monitoring."

"The power of entrenched industries in fighting necessary common sense regulation cannot be underestimated. Governments worldwide need to meet the challenges posed by harmful industries with a united and determined front. It is our sincere hope that the governments represented at COP-15 will learn from past experience and seize their chance to advance comprehensive policies limiting damage from climate change."

So now we are heading towards the coldest, bleakest and most expensive winter since humans first discovered fire.

Monday, August 29, 2022 at 11:24 | Unregistered CommenterRose2

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