Death by vape

Did anyone watch McDonald & Dodds on ITV last night?
It’s an undemanding but watchable crime drama set in Bath and I mention it for one reason and one reason only.
The murder weapon (spoiler alert) was an e-cigarette.
Is that a first for British television?
Better still the poisoned device was responsible for not one but two deaths.
The good news is that both victims died quickly and were found with a contented smile on their face.
Photo © ITV
Reader Comments (2)
Yes, I did, and it reminded me of an old Colombo episode - which I think was called Smoking Kills - which involved the bad guy murdering his victim by injecting a massive dose of nicotine into his cigarette in hope to blame his death on his smoking habit.
Luckily Columbo sussed something was wrong because he was aware of the fact that dose makes poison and smoking doesn't necessarily kill you and certainly not that quick after dragging on a fag.
In McDonald and Dodds she died with a smile on her face not because she vapes but because the murderer poisoned her vape with some form of euphoric drug.
Actually it was called Murder can Be Hazardous to your Health