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Tree’s company

I have just bought our 2021 Christmas tree.

I have never bought a Christmas tree this early before.

When I was a boy my parents would put up our tree four or five days before Christmas.

I inherited that gene and for years my own family, including my wife, would complain that I had left it too late to buy a nice one.

I begged to differ. One or two may have looked a bit lop-sided from some angles but they had ‘personality’.

Last year, in an apparent bid to cheer ourselves up because of Covid, everyone seemed to put their tree up early and for once we did the same.

Anyway I was at the local garden centre this morning and I noticed that there were lots of freshly cut trees to choose from so I thought, “Why not? Saves me coming back in a few weeks.”

It’s now outside, leaning against the house, in a large bucket of water. I’ll bring it in at the start of December and hope that it still has some needles left in six weeks.

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