MEPs enjoying a smoke in the European Parliament

Former Forest spokesman Brian Monteith who is now a Brexit party MEP sent me this photo last week.
It features Brian and his Brexit party colleague Claire Fox enjoying what Brian calls a ‘legal puff inside the Strasbourg Parliament building - in one of the many smoking booths!!!!!’
As Claire revealed when she spoke at Forest’s 40th anniversary dinner at Boisdale last month, smoking rooms are one of many benefits MEPs enjoy in Strasbourg and Brussels.
Isn’t it typical, though, that MEPs and staff working in the European Parliament are allowed them while the overwhelming majority of smokers in EU member states have to light up outside, whatever the weather.
As ever it’s one law for the ruling elite, another for the rest of us.
Brian meanwhile has promised to send more photos of MEPs behaving ‘badly’. Watch this space.
Reader Comments (2)
It's time to amend the smoking bans to allow accommodation for smokers — both indoors and outside.
It's the way it goes, though, isn't it? One rule for us plebs, another for all those Very Important Types that make the rules in the first place. That's how they work - right from the top trees of the EU, through national governments, local authorities or state legislatures, right down to any little puffed-up public service minion who has been given an iota of power by the State and who is determined to use every inch of it. And then they wonder why the levels of public respect are at rock bottom - and falling with alarming speed towards outright loathing. All they need to do is take a look in the mirror ......