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Fear of passive smoking has led to fear of vaping - oh, the irony

Ahead of a busy month I am away next week and to keep myself entertained and informed I shall be reading this book, amongst others.

The author, Jacob Grier, is a freelance writer whose articles have appeared in Reason, the Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, the Daily Beast and many other publications.

His latest piece, ‘The Vaping Crisis Is a Moral Panic Led by Anti-Smoking Crusaders’, can be summed up as follows:

The anti-smoking movement has a long history of exploiting dubious science for political gain. Today's moral panic about vaping has its roots in the decades-long campaign to delegitimize the use of nicotine in pursuit of total bans on public smoking.

Grier rightly focuses on the arguments surrounding passive smoking. He also highlights the fact that some of the leading alarmists about secondhand smoke are now at the forefront of the movement against vaping (in the US in particular).

What Grier and many other people overlook however is that many champions of e-cigarettes (as a quit smoking tool) are also passive smoking propagandists who successfully campaigned for public smoking bans.

The irony - which I have written about several times - is that many of today’s most prominent vaping advocates are the very people who sold us the myth that thousands of non-smokers were dying each year from ‘secondhand’ smoke.

This lie led not only to indoor smoking bans but the perceived ‘threat’ of passive smoking is now used to justify outdoor smoking bans as well.

What goes around comes around and it’s no surprise that the relentless fear-mongering about smoking and environmental tobacco smoke has created a situation in which vaping is going to be another casualty, regardless of the actual risk.

Despite this, many of the individuals responsible for exaggerating the risks of passive smoking (and, some would say, smoking itself) are now treated as heroes because of their advocacy of vaping.

Also overlooked is the fact that their endorsement of vaping is based not on e-cigarettes being a pleasurable recreational device in their own right, but because they see vaping as a weapon in the war on smoking.

I’m sorry, but I will never forgive or forget the role many of them played in getting smoking banned in every pub and club in the country, nor their constant attempts to denormalise smoking and stigmatise smokers to the point where you can’t even light up in the open air on some beaches, parks and hospital grounds without being shamed or threatened with prosecution.

It may be expedient to ally with such people but count me out. If you’re prepared to lie to achieve one aim, you’ll won’t hesitate to lie to achieve another. You may convince yourself it’s for the ‘greater good’ but that doesn’t make it right.

Anyway, do read Jacob Grier’s article and book. I don’t agree with everything he says. A quick glance at the book, for example, suggests he’s ambivalent about defending the use of cigarettes which, for me, is the issue that distinguishes real libertarians from hand-wringing middle class ‘liberals’.

Nor am I a fan of the argument that says restrictions on e-cigarettes will lead to smokers being ‘killed’. It’s similar to calling advocates of bans on flavoured e-cigarettes ‘murderers’, which I addressed here.

But decide for yourself. The Rediscovery of Tobacco: Smoking, Vaping, and the Creative Destruction of the Cigarette by Jacob Grier is available here.

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Reader Comments (3)

Bloody well said Simon. I completely agree with you. Vaping advocates in bed with the smokerphobic bullies who launched a hate campaign against smokers should get wise.

It will be very easy to turn against vaping. The template is set. Vapers' persecution has started. Already people are complaining about the revolting sickly smell of ecigs that they are "forced" to inhale as they walk down the street and unlike cigarette smoke, they moan that it hangs thickly in the air and does not dissipate as quickly. People are starting to fear it more and feel justified in not having to get a whiff of "ecig cancer" as I have heard said.

Then there are the junk studies showing vaping is worse than smoking - it kills quicker and is more toxic, apparently. The promotion of fear has begun and millions of non vaping specialists, advocates, or activists - ie : ordinary people who read only the occasional headline - will not be persuaded that vaping is safe or less harmful than smoking. The seed is planted. It will grow. Ask any smoker who has watched the war against them develop via a drip, drip of outrageous scaremongering junk over the last 50 years or more.

What is happening with vaping happened first with smoking. Yes, both carry risks, but the truth of those risks are lost in a dishonest plethora of propaganda and corporate vested interests in competition with both smoking and vaping so where does truth lie? It really doesn't seem to matter anymore.

The fact is, if vapers don't dump the smokerphobic tobacco controllers who are using them now, they will lose in the long run and smokers won't help them out when they'll need support most.

Friday, October 18, 2019 at 18:16 | Unregistered CommenterPat Nurse

It all started with the attack on smokers. That attack became successful only when the lies about second hand smoking became the dominant meme in the antismoking arsenal.

Smoking bans are based on a foundation of hateful lies.

Now the attacks on vaping follow the same template.

Tobacco control/s lies must be exposed. Fred and choice must return. Smoking bans must be relaxed.

Friday, October 18, 2019 at 19:18 | Unregistered CommenterVinny Gracchus

Hey Vinny! Who's this Fred chap? Is he coming back to save us? ;D

Monday, October 21, 2019 at 2:57 | Unregistered CommenterMisty

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