“I don't like the world I am living in and shall have few regrets when I leave it.”

"I am glad that I'm an old person. I don't like the world I am living in and shall have few regrets when I leave it.”
Jenty Burrill, a long-standing supporter of Forest, on Facebook today.
Jenty’s comment was posted on the Friends of Forest page in response to the letter (Smoking in outdoor areas) I mentioned in my previous post.
What a terrible indictment of the tobacco control industry, their acolytes in parliament, and the relentless war on tobacco.
I am struggling to find words that truly describe their shameful crusade to denormalise millions of ordinary people in the name of ‘public health’.
Suggestions welcome.
Reader Comments (9)
I've certainly got no desire to live any longer than I have to in an ever increasingly sterile and sanitised world.. I feel as though I had more freedom at 13 than I do at 53.
Anti-smokers, like the Puritans of old, try to make this life as miserable as possible, presumably on the pretext of an after-life (or extended life), of eternal bliss.
Except I neither believe in an after/extended-life nor in ANY of the anti-smoking cult's propaganda. I say that having studied all their 'science' over the course of many years.
The main difference between their cult and religion is that most religions are tolerant, pleasant and constructive rather than nasty, vindictive and destructive.
There are at least two words that could and should be used to describe them but I believe you've asked people to avoid both.
How much wiser and well-thought than certain other people! I also think so that we are not all waiting to be sitted by the adverse effects that the anti-smoking campaign has on our life!
I have to make a great suggestion, that this great person is right and that everyone who agrees deserves to be remebered among the rest of us who will also apparently have to rot with the fate that has been left behind which we could change given the virtue of democracy and application of the justice that we deserve by the in-humanities that are so-called systematic medicine of everyone's life.
And of course my second suggestion would be to take a look at my website that is in Greek but you can translate it with the select-language tool that I have included!
The website address is listed above in the 'Author URL' field of my comment, so please have a look and tell me what you think!
I echo Jenty's words though I worry for my wife and family. I have no intention of giving up just yet and have already lasted longer than expected.
The Palliative care team have asked if I want to talk about end of life care and today my doctor helped me face up to various choices. I did make some decisions including preferring home care as I hated the thought of institutionalised care and it's inflexible petty rules. Thank goodness this is still possible despite the vile actions of 'those who know what's best for us'.
The antismokers are achieving their goals of persecuting and stigmatizing smokers. They exaggerated the effects of smoking, fabricated the second hand smoke ruse, used a 'confidence trick' to impose smoking bans and exile smokers outdoors , and now they seek total prohibition in their so-called 'smoke-free world'.
The problem is the health benefits they extol are fleeting and illusory. For a promise of eternal life (after all antismokers forget they die from all the so-called smoking-related diseases at nearly the same or greater rates than smokers) you get intolerance and ubiquitous social control.
The prohibitionist wonderland is actually an Orwellian paradise where freedom has been exchanged for totalitarian fantasies of narcissistic superiority and group oppression.
Tobacco control must be destroyed!
Can I draw your attention to this, Simon?
Smoking ban: Huge support for a cigarette ban on beaches in Somerset and Dorset
27 APR 2018
"There's a major backlash against those sparking up on the beach"
Your previous remarks on banning smoking in public are quoted and it includes a poll.
The poll
Should smoking be banned on beaches?
Yes - it's disgusting
No - I want to have a smoke where I want
Leaving no space for non-smokers who disagree with their prohibitionist plans to answer.
Even the No option is insulting and inappropriate to the question.
Somewhat presumptious too as the seashore belongs to the Crown.
“The seashore (which is synonymous with foreshore) is the area between the mean high water mark and the mean low water mark.
Below the high water mark, i.e. the seashore and the seabed, generally belongs to the Crown.”
I feel the same. I have never hurt another living soul and yet I am abused and excluded for no other reason than I was a child smoker to granny'hood, I won't quit and I am not dead.
There is room for us all. The smokerphobic antis are nasty authoritarian bullies and thugs.
Simon, The specious claim of huge support for smoking bans on beaches in Somerset and Dorset is a classic example of the lies and manipulatiion data that is used by antismoking activists to shape public opinion regarding smoking bans. In this case SomersetLive ran an article by James Brinsford on April 27, 2018 entitled “Smoking ban: Huge support for a cigarette ban on beaches in Somerset and Dorset.”
In that article, he claimed “There’s a major backlash against those sparking up on the beach’. This specious claim is apparently based a poll at their Facebook site where 70% of the respondents supported a ban (“Yes – It’s disgusting”) versus a large minority (30%) against a ban. From this the author asserts that: “There was a big winner in the poll on smoking at beaches”.
Never mind the fact that the poll is not randomised and exhibits questionable survey methods by using biased (and abusive) language to influence the answers; the survey’s results are directly contradicted by the current results at the same article where at the time of this comment 85% of those responding to their online poll were against a ban, whilst only 15% were in support.
Beyond that another SomersetLive poll (in an article by the same James Brinsford, “Public health charity calls for smoking to be banned outside pubs, in parks and on beaches” dated March 10, 2018 showed only 9% supporting a ban “”Yes – I want a smokefree community” against a strong majority of 91% against public smoking bans (“No –let us smokers have a ciggy if we want one”).
The biased survey instrument (questions asked), non-randomised sample and overwhelming contrary response in two additional polls one in March and one accompanying the assertion that there is ‘huge’ support for imposing smoking bans makes the author’s claim dubious at best. Indeed, since it is unlikely the author was unaware of the previous poll and the current result at his byline his claim appears to be an outright lie and based antismoker propaganda.
I would have made a complaint to the Independent Press Standards Organisation (IPSO) but found that SomersetLive does not participate in that regulatory scheme (it doesn’t participate in IMPRESS either) – I’m not surpised.
References: James Brinsford, “Smoking ban: Huge support for a cigarette ban on beaches in Somerset and Dorset” and “Public health charity calls for smoking to be banned outside pubs, in parks and on beaches”
Re the Somerset poll - rather sneakily, the first poll shown (which isn't votable) shows 70/30 for a ban, but the lower poll (which is votable) now show a whopping 86/14 against a ban. So much for their "huge support," eh?