Has the vaping community lost its way?

I've just read an interesting interview with David Goerlitz.
For those who don't know, Goerlitz is the former Winston Man who jumped ship in 1988 and became a spokesman for tobacco control before concluding that the anti-smoking industry was as bad as – and possibly worse than – the tobacco industry he had previously worked for.
There's little in this latest interview he hasn't said before but it's a story worth repeating. For me however what stood out were his comments about vaping:
"I think, in a lot of ways, the vaping community has lost its way. Maybe it’s got too big, too fast.
"Everybody’s thinking about the latest gear, the next generation of gear, and it’s becoming a subculture. That’s pretty off-putting for the ordinary smoker who just wants an alternative to cigarettes.
"You walk into a vape shop and it’s really obvious that it’s a different culture. I don’t have any problems with that, but how does it look if you’re not familiar with it?
"There are a few million vapers in the USA now, but there’s also over 40 million people who’re still smoking. They’re not looking for a new hobby, or a new culture to join. They just want an alternative to cigarettes."
I disagree with the suggestion that every smoker just wants "an alternative to cigarettes" (the arrogance of some pro-vaping advocates continues to amaze!) but the rest of his analysis is spot on, I think, and certainly worth debating.
I've said similar things myself, albeit not so eloquently:
Most if not all of the vaping representatives at e-cigarette conferences tend to be ex-smoking vapers which makes them unrepresentative of many vapers, the majority of whom are (I believe) still dual users.
They are also unrepresentative in other ways – notably the type of products they use. We very much hope there is a niche for every product for which there is some consumer demand. Long-term however we believe that if the e-cigarette market is to grow substantially and attract more smokers to switch, the two essential factors will be cost and convenience.
Based on anecdotal evidence we also believe there are some aspects of the current pro-vaping advocacy that are actually driving some smokers away from e-cigarettes.
Apart from the fact that many pro-vaping advocates are paid up members of the anti-smoking industry, it's the evangelism of the vaping community that grates on a lot of people.
"Thanks to vaping," someone will tweet triumphantly. "I've been smoke-free for six months!"
To which other vaping advocates will respond:
"Nice to hear."
"Very well done."
"Six years next month for me."
It's like Weightwatchers or Alcoholics Anonymous.
If I ever succeed in losing weight shoot me before I tweet:
"Twelves months since I quit alcohol/sweets/fizzy drinks. Two stone lighter and no double chin. Thanks for your support, guys!"
Perhaps it's me but I don't want to be part of a community (however well-meaning) whose members have 'seen the light'.
Unfortunately some ex-smoking vapers are like missionaries determined to preach the gospel and convert unbelievers.
It's not enough that they've successfully quit smoking. They want everyone else to quit too and, boy, is that off-putting.
Btw, just as I have nothing against punks or goths, I've absolutely no problem with a sub-culture that promotes vaping. It's just not for me and the same is true I imagine for many smokers, even those who want to quit.
So spare us the crusading zeal. If vaping activists really want e-cigarettes to go mainstream, listen to David Goerlitz:
David Goerlitz - the Winston Man talks tobacco and vaping (Black Note).
Reader Comments (8)
"I disagree with the suggestion that every smoker just wants "an alternative to cigarettes""
Bang on. I get so bloody angry at being told, as a smoker, that I no longer want to smoke, and I am desperate for an alternative, by people who no longer smoke.
Why can't they just leave us alone. Smokers are not exsmokers nor vapers. Isn't it time they actually starting talking to and asking happy smokers who smoke what they want rather than always suggesting what they think we want based on what they want for us.
Me too. I just want to be left alone to enjoy my tobacco.
I'm just sick of being bullied. I thought there were laws against bullying but there clearly is not.
As far as I'm concerned the state positively encourages bullying against its own legal citizens.
It's pathetic
Absolutely, Simon. The “born again” element of many vapers is a definite put-off from my ever trying e-cigarettes, in the same way as the “born again” attitude of many genuine ex-smokers is a put-off from my ever trying to quit. To my mind, there’s no difference between the two. Giving up smoking with e-cigarettes is no different to giving up using patches or gum or going along to quit-smoking groups. One way or another, you end up as an ex-smoker, and ex-smokers do seem to adopt a pretty standard mindset. Regardless of how much they might protest beforehand about “not becoming one of those dreadful ex-smoking tyrants,” they always seem to end up that way whether they want to or not. And that, in and of itself, must be the best of all possible reasons not to stop smoking, whether by starting vaping or giving up altogether.
I can't get the "listen to David Goerlitz" - I just get an e liquid website - am I stupid?
On MY channel, everyone who writes to me saying "I've been off cigarettes for two months, two years - whatever - gets a "well done" congratulations. And the reason is this. Switching to vaping from smoking, is only really easy to a few who, just take to it because they prefer it to smoking. But for others, it takes EFFORT. Those people want to ditch cigarettes, or have to, or may not smoke in certain places. They need a pat on the back.
I switched to vaping by accident, never thinking of it as a "switch to" vaping, but as a substitute for cigarettes. I think of myself as a smoker. I think you might find most "accidental vapers" think of themselves as smokers. But others, who have made an effort to "switch" have only done so because they don't want to smoke - or can't for health reasons.
I am still a very bitter smoker - that just accidentaly prefers vaping. And I hate Tobacco Control in all it's forms.
<heaves a heavy sigh>....why do I bother to read all this stuff? I just get on with doing my own thing, as long as the poxy law allows.
"..and it’s becoming a subculture.."
...and this is a "bad" thing because some people might not be familiar with it?
If we would all just respect freedom of choice, innovation, and the truth, things would work out for the better for all of us.
I've been smoking 40/day for 30Y. In Nov.2010 i started vaping. I buy wherever good stuff is cheapest. I smoke whenever i want to, that's normally 0-2cigs/day (mostly 0). It can be up to two packs when i get drunk (2-4 times/year). I do my own liquid at 3mg and vape about 15-20ml/day. Under the mentioned conditions my stash will last me 15years. FUCK TC!!!