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What a waste of time and money

According to BBC Sussex, 'an exclusive BBC Sussex investigation has found that Sussex Police didn't issue a SINGLE penalty for SMOKING in a car carrying children - within the first three months of the new law.'

Invited to respond Forest commented:

"We're not surprised. Apart from the fact that it's almost impossible to tell if there's a small child in the back of a moving vehicle, the police have far more important things to do than stop drivers for smoking in their own cars.

"In addition, the overwhelming majority of smokers know it's inconsiderate to light up in a car carrying children and don't do it.

"This is a classic example of a law that is not only impossible to enforce, it's totally unnecessary. Introducing legislation has been a complete waste of parliamentary time and money."

I said much the same thing on BBC Radio Sussex this morning.

In a clip I heard Amanda Sandford of ASH suggested another "mass media campaign" to inform smokers they can't light up in a car carrying children.

That seems to be tobacco control's answer to everything – let's have another mass media campaign. Sounds to me like a pitch for more money to maintain all those offices and staff ...

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Reader Comments (1)

Another advertising campaign, aimed at?
The public who appear to be failing to commit the offence?
Or the Police, should the conclusion be that they failed to notice the legislation?
Or just as another opportunity to wield the big stick against anyone who felt favourable towards a smoker.
This is ghetto building behaviour.

Saturday, January 30, 2016 at 13:38 | Unregistered CommenterMark Magenis

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