Eat, drink, smoke, vape: Rob Lyons joins Action on Consumer Choice

Meet our new recruit.
Rob Lyons is a journalist who has written widely on science, health and personal freedom for over a decade.
He's the former deputy editor of the online magazine Spiked and is the author of Panic on a Plate: How Society Developed an Eating Disorder.
He's written for The Times, Guardian, Daily Telegraph, The Australian and the South China Morning Post.
He's a frequent guest on TV and radio, appearing on Newsnight, Channel 4 News, BBC Breakfast and The World Tonight as well as other national and international programmes.
Now he's has been appointed to work on Forest's latest project, Action on Consumer Choice, which will address issues relating to food, drink and (smokeless) tobacco.
The good news is that as a smoker and a vaper Rob can be relied upon to talk about e-cigarettes without appearing to be anti-smoking. Halleluha!
He began work this week and was provisionally invited to appear on Nolan Live!, Stephen Nolan's TV show in Northern Ireland, to talk about obesity and sugar taxes.
Unsurprisingly, perhaps, the subject was dropped in favour of MPs' salaries. Nevertheless, from little acorns ....
PS. Rob is currently in Warsaw representing ACC at the Global Forum on Nicotine. You can follow his tweets via @action_choice (#GFN15).
Top right: Rob at last year's Freedom Dinner. He likes a drink too.

Reader Comments (1)
A worthy addition. I've always enjoyed his commonsense and no-nonsense approach in his articles for 'Spiked'. And as a dual user (like myself), yes, his approach to vaping should embody some much needed reason.