Nigel Farage, friend or foe?

Between now and the General Election on May 7 I'm going to highlight my top 40 'target seats', those where the candidate standing for re-election has consistently supported anti-tobacco policies, and those where a leading candidate is a consistent opponent of excessive lifestyle regulations and policies that infantilise us all. With a few exceptions, I'm focussing on marginal or semi-marginal seats.
#1 - Thanet South
Whatever you think of Ukip in general (and I have my reservations), party leader Nigel Farage has been a consistent and outspoken opponent of comprehensive smoking bans and other tobacco control policies. Ukip's manifesto commitment to amending the smoking ban in pubs and repealing the plain packaging legislation bears Farage's personal stamp so he deserves support for sticking to his convictions in a hostile environment. If elected Farage will be the first unapologetic smoker in the House of Commons since Ken Clarke, a sad reflection of our PC age. (One MP admitted to me that he smokes but never in his constituency for fear his constituents will see him.) If Farage falls short (comedian Al Murray is also standing in Thanet South) Ukip will lose its leader and smokers will be denied a potentially influential voice in parliament.
2010 Conservative majority: 7,617 (16.6%)
Estimated number of smokers in Thanet South: 14,068*
Principal opponent: Craig Mackinlay (Conservative)
Nigel Farage, friend or foe: Friend
Target rating: Too close to call
*Based on 20% of the registered electorate in 2010
Note: marginal seats have been defined as those with majorities of 10% or less that require a swing of 5% for the incumbent party to lose.
Reader Comments (5)
Good morning Simon. An excellent idea for it is about time that the smokers of this once wonderful country acxtually banded together and showed the true strength of feeling against these pathetic lifestyle bans. Note that when asked how many lives can be proven to have been saved, there is NO difinitive answer-similarly when the question of how many people SHS has killed!
Farage IS the 'people's champion' for he is the only one who does not speak with forked tongue-he knows that the people are unhappy and nearly all the UKIP policies are simply common sense-what can be argued against CS?
The problem in this country is that people have been 'dumbed down' to such an extent that so long as they have enough to get by on a daily basis, they simply have no interest in politics as they are fully aware that politicians rake in £0,000's at every opportunity ( Is it any wonder that election t/outs are so low?
Is it any wonder that people are still stupid enough to vote for a Labour party that wants us in the most detructive political machine ever known?
Is it any wonder that some still believe Camoron will negotiate better deals for this country when Juncker has already stated "NON"?
Believe me Simon, if you can wake up the dead and they can see the light then UKIP may well become a force in our political spectrum .... and that can only be of benefit to everyone!
Murray doesn't like smokers. He supported the awful stoptobber and refused to accept that many smokers do not want to be forced to quit.
He now mocks us and UKIP policy on smoking and choice by writing his piss take for a manifesto on the back of a fag packet.
I used to like Murray as a comedian until I realised he was a Smokerphobic thug. Definitely a FOE and more than that a waste of a vote.
It,s also in their manifesto that they will get rid of some quangos and CLAMP DOWN on FAKE CHARITIES & sock puppets.
Page 8 under cutting the cost of Westminster
Hey, Simon. A great idea! I know you've mentioned Kenneth Clarke, but just wanted to say, please mark HIM down as one of the 'good guys' who is in favour of leaving smokers alone, to make our own decisions. He's actually my local MP, and a really lovely man - one of the few politicians I have time for, actually. He has written some very kind responses to the letters I've sent him about smokers' rights and I'm in a difficult position, this election, because I want to support Ken Clarke locally but am actually NOT happy with the Conservatives in general, any more, and am planning to vote UKIP in the General Election. Time smokers stood up to the politicians who have bullied us for so long!
I hat to comment on this one. FRIEND, for sure.