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The risible, and ridiculous, regulation of colour schemes

Dick Puddlecote has written an excellent review of our Stop The Nonsense event on Tuesday night.

To read the full post click here.

Of the ten speakers DP highlights the contribution from Mark Littlewood, director-general of the Institute of Economic Affairs (above):

Lastly came a cracker of a speech by Mark Littlewood which I asked those filming on the night to just bung up on YouTube when they had time. Calling plain packaging laws "risible, and ridiculous", he was incredulous that while we have Russian planes flying over Cornwall, a £100bn deficit, Greece causing ructions in the Eurozone and a general election in our imminent future, "the last act of this government is to regulate colour schemes".

We will indeed post Mark's speech on YouTube. (We're currently editing a video that will feature soundbites from speakers and guests.)

In the meantime you can listen to an audio file here.

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