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Council extends smoking ban to car parks and courtyards

'Smoking ban for Edinburgh city council play parks.'

The BBC has the story here but read on and you'll see that the council's new 'smoke free' (sic) policy also includes car parks and courtyards.

You'll find our full response on our website – Smokers treated like lepers says Forest.

Meanwhile, what next – a ban on smoking in council houses?

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Reader Comments (7)

I'm curious. How, exactly, do they define a "courtyard?" And is a council "courtyard" different from any other kind of "courtyard?" Or are these particular features specific to Edinburgh only?

Friday, December 4, 2015 at 1:30 | Unregistered CommenterMisty

A dark courtyard in a back street in Edinburgh - a solitary figure is silhouetted by the moonlight shining from behind him. His face is suddenly illuminated with a red glow as he lights his cigarette. He pauses and looks around him as he hears someone move at the end of the courtyard; footsteps suddenly clatter on the cobbles, getting louder as they get closer; a hand reaches out and grips him by the shoulder, while another hand grabs the cigarette from his mouth and throws it to the ground, while making grunting noises that sound like they are coming from the bowels of Hell itself - Is this the end for the solitary figure? Could the resurrectionists finally have caught up with him as they have done with so many of his friends in this city? Would his body be sliced open and sold to one of the local hospitals? I am afraid the answer is even worse - he will be dragged before the courts and fined, maybe even imprisoned, his teeth, his neck, his eyes and even his testicles will be photographed and displayed on "plain" packs of cigarettes for all to see for this is Great Britain 2015 - how our lonely figure might have wished that it had been the resurrectionists.

Friday, December 4, 2015 at 13:44 | Unregistered CommenterPeter Thurgood

Yes, council houses will be next and then private houses on the grounds that any sale after a smoker moves out could result in lung cancer from the invented scam of THS. The council house ban that will throw smokers on the street is another way of tackling health equality for smokers who must be made less equal than others, forced to live in substandard housing, or the street, because they can then be equal to those the rich non smokers like Debs Arnott. Yes, I know they're quite mad.

these people are thugs and bullies who lie through their teeth and work to make smokers less equal than others. That is their sole and only goal.

I am ignoring it. Our council banned it in car parks etc that they own ages ago but I make sure when I smoke that I seek out and find a council car park to smoke in.

It's time smokers stopped messing about and started ignoring all and every ban that follows including this latest spiteful ban from the smokerphobic Scots

The only way to beat them now is to ignore them

Friday, December 4, 2015 at 13:55 | Unregistered CommenterPat Nurse

All these bans on smoking outside in public areas need confronting and mass disobedience. Who do these people think they are. We all own these public areas and smoking outside has absolutely no effect on anyone else other than the smoker.
If the pub trade had stood up to these Nanny State zealots it would not have seen it's business decimated. Enough is enough !

Friday, December 4, 2015 at 15:41 | Unregistered CommenterTimothy Goodacre

Has anyone asked Hillary Benn?

Saturday, December 5, 2015 at 17:07 | Unregistered Commentergray

Clearly antismoker hysteria is gaining momentum as local authorities expand outdoor bans. Since there is no health risk to others from smoking outdoors (and the same indoors under most conditions) this amounts to a campaign to stigmatize smokers. Outdoor smoking bans must be rejected. Smokers need to stand together and push back against this intolerance.

Sunday, December 6, 2015 at 16:25 | Unregistered CommenterVinny Gracchus

Our Council houses were contracted out a while ago and smoking was banned in them. Smoking in Council houses already takes place.

I am a small landlord and tell my tenants that they can treat their home as their home. Pets, pictures, decor is their taste. Smoking is certainly allowed in my properties.

Monday, December 7, 2015 at 23:50 | Unregistered CommenterHelen D

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