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« Still want to introduce plain packaging, Mr Cameron? | Main | Forest events in June and July »

ConHome editor says dump plain packaging plan

I don't know how I missed this article last week but I did.

Better late than never, I'd like to draw your attention to Post Euro-elections fightback: 50 policies for the future by Paul Goodman, editor of Conservative Home.

'Policy isn’t everything,' wrote Paul. 'A party can have the best set of policies in the country, and still make no headway with voters. They may dislike its personnel or distrust its record.'

That said, 'Policies help to win elections.'

Paul then lists 50 policies 'that should be floated over the next year and set out in the Conservative manifesto'.

I won't list them – you can read the article for yourself – but one 'policy' did jump out:

  • Dump the plan to put plain packaging on cigarettes.

Perhaps that stand at the ConHome conference didn't go unnoticed!

Below: Paul Goodman (bottom left) is interviewed by Michael Crick of Channel 4 News (foreground, back to camera) at the ConHome conference on May 24. In the background, Forest's Hands Off Our Packs stand.

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Reader Comments (4)

Loathe though I am to compliment anything which comes out of the mouth of any of the Big Three parties, this isn't a bad idea. I like the thought of a manifesto which states all the things that a Party isn't going to do if it wins the next election, rather than all the lovely, strict new rules that they are intending to bring in!

Wednesday, June 4, 2014 at 1:15 | Unregistered CommenterMisty

Should we treat our young people as idiots attracted to and swayed by pretty pictures and design?

Wednesday, June 4, 2014 at 1:44 | Unregistered CommenterGraham Anthony

I noticed that last week Simon however this morning there is a complete article by Bob Blackman, dedicated to plain packaging.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014 at 8:11 | Unregistered CommenterSheila

Sheila, the Tory party is a broad church so ConHome to reflect that. We should never be afraid of debate so I'm more than happy for them to publish articles by the likes of Bob Blackman in the knowledge that the editor thinks the party should "dump" the policy.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014 at 13:00 | Unregistered CommenterSimon

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