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Do you think ecigs should be banned in all public places?

Further to my previous post, today's Daily Record has a short report with this headline:

'Smokers slam ban on cigs'.

It's based on some comments I gave them yesterday.

The Record piece is not online but yesterday's report in the Sunday Mail – the Record's sister paper – now features an online poll:

Do you think electronic cigarettes should be banned in all public places?

Click here to vote.

I have just voted and the current score is:

Yes – 5%
No – 95%

PS. Can you imagine a headline that read 'Vapers slam ban on cigarettes'?

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Reader Comments (2)

I have left this comment on the Daily Record. I reproduce it here.

When will you all realize this has nothing to do with health or the safety of e cigarettes. It has everything to do who manufactures these devices.

If these where manufactured by the pharmaceutical industry ASH et all would be applauding them, like their wonder drug chantix.

Monday, January 20, 2014 at 12:57 | Unregistered CommenterAdam

If various government's across the globe start banning e-cigs, is this a question of lost tax revenue? or revenue from the pharmaceutical industry? there's no need to even consider banning e-cigs, before we know it they'll be taxed.

Monday, January 20, 2014 at 18:12 | Unregistered CommenterGary Rogers

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