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California dreaming

Just returned from a two-week holiday in California.

We began with three nights in San Francisco (above), then drove 200 miles to Yosemite National Park which was a truly "awesome" experience.

After that we travelled to Monterey, then Santa Barbara (below), Santa Monica (Los Angeles) and, finally, San Diego where we stayed with my old friend Todd Buchholz and his family.

Lots to catch up on but first I've got to drive to Scotland to collect our dog who has been enjoying his own holiday - with my mother-in-law – in Glasgow.

Back on Monday.

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Reader Comments (1)

Hmm, whilst accepting that you have at least one friend to visit in California I'm surprised you would willingly support the tourist industry of an administration that despises smokers and endeavours to make their lives as miserable and expensive as possible. Don't forget - it more or less all started there Simon. Personally, I try to boycott all things Californian and, despite the stunning scenery, would never ever visit it until smokers have regained their freedom.

Monday, August 19, 2013 at 12:31 | Unregistered Commenterdavid

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