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« Better late than never, BBC publishes Forest response to plain pack report | Main | We need to talk about Anna »

Sickness at the heart of the Department of Health

I've been waiting for a chance to post something under that headline.

Yesterday I considered writing another post about public health minister Anna Soubry and the title was already written.

Instead I spent the day with the family, relaxing and watching the golf at my parents' house in the Peak District.

This morning I read Chris Snowdon's latest post, Anna Soubry must go, and any further comment from me seems superfluous, for the moment anyway.

So visit Velvet Glove Iron Fist and when you've read Chris's post I recommend that you send a link to your MP and any journalist who may be interested, especially political correspondents and columnists.

Every little helps, as they say, and with your help this story could still develop legs.

See also Brian Monteith's article in today's Scotsman which I featured in my previous post.

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Reader Comments (2)

Sent the link (infact I copypasta'd the entire article) to my former MP Ian Lamb. Not that it will do any good nor will he even read it, I expect, but when I spoke with him recently he seemed keen to promote his 'liberal' ness and our political system. He was very keen for me to take part in our democracy and vote...

Maybe he might now care to do something to defend that system of government, especially as she's making not only the DOH but the entire government look bad.

Monday, July 22, 2013 at 14:54 | Unregistered CommenterThe Blocked Dwarf

Soubry's conduct seems to encapsulate the zeal and arrogance of tobacco control. TC has compromised scientific integrity, presented speculative wishful thinking as fact, smeared those who disagree and, on the plain packs issue, whistled their tame dogs to create a non-existent scandal (I might even admire Cameron for sticking to his guns about Crosby were I to believe that he needed Crosby less than he needs the goodwill of TC). I've heard others say that Black is the real villain in the TPD affair but I disagree - he can only provide the cannon balls, she has to fire them: Soubry has a duty to comply with parliamentary rules - they are there to stop the abuse of democracy.

I will certainly email my MP or, even better, write snail-mail which will, I believe, elicit a considered response.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013 at 21:10 | Unregistered CommenterJoyce

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