Chief Medical Officer would make a great sub-editor for The Sun or Daily Mail

Professor Dame Sally Davies' second annual report as Chief Medical Officer doesn't disappoint.
According to a report on the BBC News website:
The danger posed by growing resistance to antibiotics should be ranked along with terrorism on a list of threats to the nation, the government's chief medical officer for England has said.
Ranked alongside "terrorism"?
Dame Sally's latest pronouncement (following her recent comments about plain packaging) also includes the words "ticking time bomb" (nice alliteration) and, according to Five Live yesterday, "apocalyptic".
Given this degree of scaremongering one has to ask whether the Chief Medical Officer would be better suited as a sub-editor working for The Sun or Daily Mail.
Alternatively she should apply for a job in PR. She certainly knows how to grab a headline.
Reader Comments (3)
If they hadn't handed out antibiotics like smarties, if they actually kept the wards in Hospitals clean then this would never be happening.
Sounds like a rearguard action to me.
Blame the bacteria, its not our fault guv, honest!
If they hadn't wasted funding on telling people what they practically know from birth about tobacco, and hadn't wasted yet more in pushing political ideology towards criminalisation of tobacco consumers, then maybe they could have invested in developing drugs that would fight these super bugs and really save lives and avoid real risk of premature death. .
I thought on this Dame Sally did the job she's supposed to do. I guess the "war on tobacco" taught her how to scaremonger. Shame on her though and her predecessors for putting the public so much at risk from disease because they took their eye off the ball due their obsession with gaining funding for tobacco.
I've said for ages that we are going backwards as far as society and public health is concerned. dame Sally admitted it and said the appalling lack of development of anti-biotics to fight real (as opposed to imaginary) diseases has taken us back medically 200 years. well done Sal, you have so much to be proud of.
It appears Big Pharma isn't really bothered about developing these anti-biotic drugs because there just isn't the money in it that they get from NRT.
All together now : "It's not about health!"
She's making political statements, isn't she? These statements are intended to put politicians on the spot. We should expect a couple of back-benchers to start asking questions in the house about what the Gov intend to do about these resistant strains of bacteria - as well as about smoking in cars. Nicholson did the same sort of thing over and over again, didn't he?