Action alert - we need YOUR help!

The plain packaging campaign is entering a crucial phase.
The Department of Health is currently reviewing over 700,000 responses to the consultation on standardised packaging. Half a million names (235,000 of them submitted by Forest) are estimated to be opposed to plain packs.
Despite our best efforts many MPs appear oblivious to the size or nature of that extraordinary response. Hence we need YOUR help to tell YOUR member of parliament why they should oppose plain packaging.
To make it easy we have created a special standalone website, Say No To Plain Packs. All you have to do is:
1. Visit
2. Enter your postcode
3. Click 'Next'
4. Enter your name and address
5. Click 'Submit'
To make the letter as personal as possible we recommend that you add a comment in the relevant box (but it's not essential).
Please do it NOW! It should take no more than a minute of your time.
See also today's Forest e-bulletin, Say No To Plain Packs!.
To register for Forest alerts join our mailing list here.
Web buttons (such as the one above) are available for websites and blogs. If you want one email
Reader Comments (6)
I rarely protest, sign petitions, wave flags, or march down streets. Too much of a wimp. But this demonisation or denormalistion of smokers (take your pick) has gone far enough. I would have more respect for this rabble of political clones who make up modern parliaments if they voted for an outright ban on cigarettes and sufffered the inevitable nasty consequences. Failing that, they should leave us alone.
Enough is enough.
Thanks SImon. That did not hurt a bit.
Nice and easy, but if you have no objections I would prefer to steal a few elements, embellish for myself and send something a little more personal - I just don't like stealing the bits of it without the author's consent.
Steve, no problem at all. The more personal you can make it the better. We only offer a template because people are often too busy to write something themselves.
All done my MP Gareth Johnson, Dartford does believe in CHOICE, he did vote for David Nuttall's private members bill in October 2010 to amend the smoking ban and if there was a vote in the House of Commons he'd vote against plain packaging, I hope.
Done and comment made.
I've asked for a response after her vote has been made, but I've never had much of a response from Rosie Cooper.
If she wants blood on her hands (like the majority of anti-smokers do), then so be it.