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Read all about it, tomorrow

Busy day tomorrow.

Forest spokesmen (OK, Angela and myself) are currently booked to appear on BBC Breakfast (at 8:10), Sky News, LBC and a host of BBC local radio stations (20 at the last count).

The report we're responding to is embargoed until midnight so I can't say what it is.

It's not new, though. I wrote about it in April but tobacco control loves to repackage the same old thing over and over again until, eventually, it gets traction.

Tomorrow is one of those days.

Watch this space.

PS. Chris Snowdon will be discussing the same subject on Five Live Breakfast at 8:05.

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Reader Comments (2)

I am doing BBC Suffolk and BBC Ulster, good luck.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013 at 22:49 | Unregistered CommenterDave Atherton

It all sounds really, really, really important. I hope that it is about the complete reformation of the EU and the restoration of the WHO to its primary purpose, which is the eradication of contagious diseases, or the plans of the FDA to ban menthol.

PLEASE don't tell me that it is about Scottish Independence! OH NO!!! And please don't tell me that it is about PP. I see nothing to discuss there until the OZ gov repeal the idiocy.

Or is it possible that the Cabinet has finally gained courage? No! Not possible! Experts appointed by experts rule, OK?

Wednesday, November 27, 2013 at 4:18 | Unregistered CommenterJunican

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