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Snowdon: "One of the most infantile displays I have seen since puberty"

I've been looking forward to Chris Snowdon's account of what happened in Dublin on Wednesday night.

He hasn't let us down. I urge you to read the full post.

To put this in perspective, John Crown is currently one of the leading anti-tobacco advocates in the whole of Ireland.

I also liked Chris's description of Forest's representative in Ireland because it sums up the man and, I hope, Forest:

John Mallon ā€” who has written a good account of the evening ā€” lightens the mood by trying to speak to the health lobby as human beings. As a smoker, he is the hunted, but he remains polite and gracious in the face of the hunters and his affability sits in stark contrast to the purse-lipped, lemon-sucking zealots.

See: An evening in Dublin (Velvet Glove Iron Fist)

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