Easter eggs to be sold in plain packaging

Easter eggs could be sold in plain packaging from next year.
Public health campaigners want all seasonal confectionary to be sold in uniform beige packs which research has shown is the colour that is least appealing to children and the obese.
Proposals being considered by the Government would remove all branding and colourful packaging in an attempt to reduce indulgence levels.
Under the proposals, to be discussed in Parliament, no brand logos will be permitted on any Easter egg although companies will be able to print their name and the brand in small, standardised font on the box.
The packaging will also feature a stark health warning that will cover 75% of the front of the pack and 90% of the back. Graphic images will feature double chins and belly fat.
Public health groups have welcomed the proposals. "If this legislation stops one young person from picking up a shiny, glitzy Easter egg and prevents them becoming addicted to chocolate then it will have been worthwhile," said Candy Barr, chief executive officer for Action on Eating and Health.
“We would also like Easter eggs to be sold behind closed doors in retail outlets. At present they are on open display which is far too tempting for customers.”
Campaigners say that a recent survey based on interviews with 13 children aged 8-15 showed that underage consumption has increased by 650% over the last five years.
“Binge eating of chocolate has been a problem for years,” said Barr. “People, children especially, are particularly vulnerably to temptation at Easter. If we are to tackle the obesity epidemic we have to do something now.”
Full story on the Hands Off Our Packs website.
Reader Comments (17)
Nice one, Simon !
Now let's see whether anyone bites...................
I know it's April 1st Simon, but I fear you are closer to the future truth than you might suppose!
I wondered what all them boarded up shops in the high streets were selling. Must be them new Tobacco and Sweet shops.
It was reported on R4's "Sunday" this morning that in the run-up to Palm Sunday in recent years there has been a spate of donkey rustling by Christians who can't afford to hire donkeys for their services.
Then on the news bulletin following "Sunday" it was reported that, to calm the row, the government is proposing a green tax on chilled champagne.
Then on the programme following "Broadcasting House" it was reported that there are calls to link the state pension to levels of healthiness with pensioners being required to pass health tests.
Which one, which one? It's getting harder and harder....
You just couldn't make this up.
I hope a copy of this was sent to the BBC.
I wonder do all the do-gooder brain dead ordinary citizens who welcomed the Smoking Ban way back when, ever thought they'd see the day when Nanny would turn their beedy eye on their kids easter eggs.
Guess not.
We should all immigrate to Africa or Afganistan where we could at least go back to nature, because we'd hardly notice the difference in a regime change at this stage of the game.
"You just couldn't make this up."
That, Gary, is precisely what I once said about Andrew Lansley (and the Born-Again Conservative Party).
At least in the Fictional World, you have a choice....
Very amusing for the 1st April (ha! ha!)
However, I laughed like this five years ago when they told me I would no longer be allowed to smoke in a pub!
Sweet! Take that, Easter Bunny!
POTW has just revealed that the donkey rustling story was the April Fool.
Had to be, the other two involved HMG which is now beyond absurdity.
So...coming soon - your old age pension denied unless you're a non-smoking, teetotal, veggie former athlete...or agree to compulsory calisthenics class in your friendly NHS ward or care home.
Martin V, Born-again conservative party is now clearly "blue Labour".
The word choice, in this once great country of ours is now non-existent.
"this once great country of ours..."
Unfortunately, Cameron and his mates don't do 'great country' - only 'Big Society'.
Whether this enticing concept derives from (warmonger) President Johnson's Great Society - or from (obesity champion) Ronald McDonald's Big Mac still seems to be a matter of some dispute.
All depends upon whether you think Cameron is a closet fascist or an unrepentant clown, I suppose.
Personally, I've always detested both vocations.
"Candy Barr"
Good one!
'If a backside could have three cheeks, then the Conservatives, Labour and Liberals, are the three cheeks of the same backside.'
Quote from George Galloway.
"the three cheeks of the same backside"
Yes, Ann - and they all produce the same (expletive deleted) !