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Hands Off Our Packs - launch party

Hands Off Our Packs campaigners Amul Pandya and Angela Harbutt

Well, that went pretty well.

A full house (150 guests) celebrated, if that's the word, the launch of Forest's Hands Off Our Packs campaign at St Stephen's Club in Westminster last night.

The trade press was particularly well represented. Other journalists included the Daily Mail's Tom Utley, Simon Hills of The Times and Mick Hume, founding editor of Spiked.

There were one or two MPs, several parliamentary researchers, plus numerous think tank types including Eamonn Butler and Tom Clougherty (Adam Smith Institute), Matthew Elliott (Taxpayers' Alliance), Shane Frith (New Direction), Donna Edmunds (Progressive Vision) and Patrick Hayes (Institute of Ideas).

Bloggers were represented by Paul Staines and Harry Cole (Guido Fawkes), Dick Puddlecote and Chris Snowdon, among others.

Chris was one of two guest speakers, the other being Mark Littlewood, director-general of the Institute of Economic Affairs.

We also premiered a new campaign video, 'Welcome to Nanny Town', featuring contributions from Mark, Angela Harbutt and others.

More to follow.

Below: label on the bottle reads, 'WARNING! Alcohol can cause death, poisoning, cancer and addiction'.

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Reader Comments (3)

I sincerely hope there will be a suitable write up in the press about this, particularly from Tom Utley of the Dail Mail. Who knows even aunty beeb might join the party.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012 at 11:53 | Unregistered CommenterJohn Henson

\"Who knows even aunty beeb might join the party.\"

Don't hold your breath!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012 at 17:15 | Unregistered Commenternisakiman

Another terrific evening Simon, a little delicate today and the bottles were great. A very impressive turnout in both quality and quantity.

Patsy Nurse is on Radio 5 Live at 11.15 pm talking about the new report out that smokers are 'lepers.'

I was on BBC Radio WM this morning 50.00 minutes in on the same subject.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012 at 19:05 | Unregistered CommenterDave Atherton

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