Passing comments: BBC, baths, Boisdale and Bond

I would love to comment on the latest scandal enveloping Newsnight and the BBC. If I do, however, I may be accused of perpetuating a lifelong vendetta against the organisation that rejected me 32 years ago. (Rather like Raoul Silva and MI6 in Skyfall.) See The BBC, Maggie and me.
Talking of which I still haven't seen the new Bond film although I have read just about every review. I was hoping to see it on the IMAX cinema in London but the only available tickets – when I attempted to book – were at midnight. The film is two and half hours so it would have been after 4.00am before we got home. I'm up for it, but the rest of the family isn't. In America, btw, where the film opened yesterday, Skyfall is rated PG-13 "for intense violent sequences throughout, some sexuality, language and smoking".
An increasing number of hotels are replacing baths with showers. Why? I understand that space may be an issue. This week however I stayed in a hotel in Edinburgh and there was plenty of space for a bath but instead there was a huge walk-in shower. I know, I know, a shower is quicker and cleaner. But you can't read a magazine in the shower. Or lie down and enjoy a long soak in piping hot water for 30 minutes or more. I came perilously close to running up and down the corridor shouting, "I want a bath and I want it now!!"
It was my son's 18th birthday ten days ago. It fell during half-term when one or two friends were away so the official 'party' was postponed until today. Actually, he didn't want a party. What he wanted was to take a small group of friends to Boisdale, preferably Boisdale of Canary Wharf. Proprietor (and Forest supporter) Ranald Macdonald has kindly given him honorary membership of the Boisdale Jazz and Cigar Club. Needless to say I have asked Ranald to instruct his staff to keep a discreet eye on them tonight and to make sure that they leave in time to catch the last train home. Fingers crossed.
PS. For those who haven't seen it, here's the video of the Forest Freedom Dinner at Boisdale of Canary Wharf, 26 June 2012.
Reader Comments (4)
The BBC ?
Every time I see the next tranche of anti smoking Hysteria it's spearheaded by the BBC closely followed by the Guardian.
Not to mention the global warming scam.
The BBC in trouble?
I am loving every precious minute of it.
Oh dear Simon - your 18 year old son - and you have asked Ranald Macdonald to keep a discreet eye on him and his friends tonight and to make sure that they leave in time to catch the last train home?
Bit harsh isn't it? He's 18 for Christ sake - I hope they have a fantastic time - pull a few young ladies - smoke a few cigars and that he phones you at midnight to say thank you dad and that he will see you tomorrow as he staying the night with a "friend".
Skyfall is a good film, and that from someone who is not a great Bond fan. If America is worried about the smoking scene, it's hilarious. A woman held a lit cigarette for a couple of minutes before putting it out, then had another in a following scene which she held alight for so long I thought she would never ever actually smoke it! She took one puff and put that out too. Horror!
have to say, he failed spetacularly in that endeavour at the event in question .. (or did you forget to instruct him as to the 'usual suspects' !?) :)