Naughty, naughty

Pop over to Dick Puddlecote and read this post:
Plain packs campaign encouraged multiple duplication of signatures.
Fancy that!
Update: Plain pack campaigners tried to corrupt public consultation (Velvet Glove Iron Fist)
How embarrassing.
Update: Nannying Tyrants has weighed in with this post.
Reader Comments (5)
We need to make a bigger deal out of this, because it won't get any play otherwise. A couple of blog posts are insufficient, I think. Tweets will get us nowhere fast. I'm thinking e-mailing the current Secretary for Health, Jeremy Hunt, to investigate and/or abandon the plain packs consultation is a good start. But ... but... we also need press coverage of this. When I say "need" I really mean "NEED!"
Don't we?
You need to make a much bigger deal of this Simon.
It stinks of corruption, from the very heart of campaign, could there be some way of holding Arnott to account ?
Mark and Jay, the matter is being addressed via other channels. You can help by writing to your MP.
I'm about to post a letter to my MP and I do believe I'll mention it.
I have written to mine already after reading about NZ tobacco control tweeting that our DoH was ready to announce that we would get plan packaging "within 6 months" when we who live, work and vote here are conned that this farce is still subject to analysis of the consultation.
I also highly object to an Australian tobacco control activist being installed in our UK DoH who appears to be doing the bidding of Simon Chapman and the Australian Govt.
I will further update my MP on this latest corruption of the Plain Packs *choke* "Protects" campaign. Something stinks and it isn't tobacco smoke.