AWT - a friend indeed

I'll keep this brief.
TV chef (and Forest patron) Antony Worrall Thompson has been cautioned by police for shoplifting.
The story has attracted a lot of comment, some of it on Forest's Facebook page.
I would prefer not to add fuel to the fire but Antony's connection with Forest has been mentioned in several reports and one or two things have been written online that invite a response. So I'll just say this:
At a time when very few public figures have been willing to defend smokers, Antony has been a courageous spokesman for tolerance and common sense.
For ten years he has been a very good friend to Forest and everyone who believes in freedom of choice.
He has supported our efforts when it would have been easier to keep his head down and not get involved.
Obviously we don't condone theft of any kind but everyone makes mistakes and we will stand by our friend as he has stood by us.
Reader Comments (19)
Well said Simon and well done for sticking by someone who has stuck by you and Forest, when it might be easier to keep your head down and not get involved.
Who knows what are the causes behind good people behaving in a way that is out of character? Friends in need are precious things.
I agree. Reports are clearly implying his remorse and acceptance of the need for help. AWT has my absolute admiration for his support for smokers and my sincerest sympathy for any distress he is experiencing. Stealing from a supermarket is nothing compared to the crimes against smokers currently perpetrated.
Best wishes for speedy recovery AWT!
Glad to hear that Forest will stand by AWT, that poor guy has been under extreme financial pressure when he had to close four of his restaurants recently, who wouldnt do something off the wall like that under similar circumstances the times that are in it.
When I saw him on the news last night I thought that he had murdered someone but then when I heard he had copped a few items at the checkout at Tesco I just knew it would only be a matter of time before they would be branding him as bad bones for being involved with Forest and shock, horror he's a smoker too!
Tesco should reward AWT for not smoking a fag as they could have been liable for a £3500 fine.
Your support for a friend in distress does you great credit Simon.
Our thoughts go out to him. It has clearly been a very difficult time for him. He should know he has friends from a wide range of backgrounds that think no less of him - indeed his frankness and bravery in recent days may well turn out to help others.
Wishing you all the best AWT.
Well said, Simon.
Well said, Simon. It's a shame the DT described Forest as "pro smoking."
A friend indeed. We are not like the other side. We have a heart and we do know the meaning of compassion. Best wishes to AWT - I hope he manages to keep his head up throughout this by remembering he has many friends in Forest.
Quite right, Simon. Of course I thought of Forest when the reports came out, and hoped and expected that you'd be sticking by him. Most glad to hear that you are, and I hope very much that the help he receives will be effective for him. Here's a big electronic bear hug for Wozza!
Thanks, David – and everyone else. Love the idea of a "big electronic bear hug for Wozza"!
Same as the above. Poor bugger must be really stressed.
Not to be pedantic, but according to todays Daily Mail (10 Jan 2012), AWT stated that he 'has now given up smoking'. Having said that, it is the Daily mail so .....
PS. I should point out that I'm not a DM reader. I came across a copy on a waiting room table and read up on the AWT story.
Well said, Simon and all. Hope AWT is feeling more himself soon.
Sincerely hope he comes through all of this ok. A thoroughly decent bloke. Wish him all the best.
If AWT decides to quit smoking that is his choice. I have no problem with that. It only becomes a problem if people who quit then turn against their fellow smokers. I don't think AWT is that intolerant of others.
Well done Simon.
- Shelena
I have much sympathy for AWT and admire his guts.
Stress and depression can do very strange things to people - have been there and it is scary! I know at times I behaved dreadfully and the worst this was it was as if I was standing in the room watching myself, knowing what I was doing and saying was wrong and really off the wall, but was totally helpless to stop it.
So, AWT, I do understand that things like this can happen and eventhough you know they are wrong, you are powerless at the time and it can take a long time to come to terms with it.
I sincerely hope that AWT gets all the professional help he needs - it will make a difference.
Many thanks for giving AWT your support.
Well said, Simon and my best wishes to AWT. Always the nice guys, eh?