Cigarettes: where the price is right

Planning your next holiday?
Over on the Forest Eireann blog John Mallon lists the price of 20 cigarettes across Europe.
They range from €9.63 in Norway to €0.89 in Romania. (Really?)
After Norway and Ireland, the UK is the third most expensive country in Europe to buy cigarettes legally.
See: Price of cigarettes around Europe (Forest Eireann)
Source: ITMAC
Reader Comments (3)
As I live in Norway I can attest to the fact that 20 cigarettes costs around 75 kr, but before you compare this to the cost of similar tobacco products in other countries I think you should take into account that the average income in Norway is also a lot higher than many other European countries. I agree that the price, largely due to the taxes, is inexcusably high, but a smoker in Norway is not being forced to part with as much of their disposable income, in percentage terms, as a smoker in the UK or Ireland. I really think you are getting a far worse deal than even we are.
One country missed is Malta, packet of 20 benson & Hedges 4 Euros. And in the canary island's cigarettes are roughley 2 euros 40 cents for twenty. And her in the Uk some brands I noticed have gone up in the last 24 hours.
I bought a pack of kenian Roosters in Kenya for twenty pence in 1999. They were rubbish, I gave them away and got a packet of B&H for sixty pence (including delivery to the middle of the Masai Mara). It's a long way to travel just to get fags.