Paul Bartlett: is this man a halfwit?

The Sunday Times has posted a video by Rod Liddle on its website.
Sadly, very few people will see it, nor will they have heard Paul Bartlett spout similar rubbish on Radio 2, TalkSport or the local evening news.
I just hope his fellow councillors have the sense to challenge this transparent nonsense.
Update: An outbreak of people power in Stony Stratford (Dick Puddlecote)
Further reading:
A grand day out (Frank Davis)
A day out in Stony Stratford (The Moose)
See previous post for links to more posts from those who attended yesterday's protest.
PS. All week I have been cautioning people to avoid personal insults. Sorry, listening to Bartlett it's hard to resist!
Reader Comments (8)
It was wrong for you to call Paul Bartlett a half-wit - he's much less than that.
Is Paul Bartlett a Conservative councillor? I had the impression that he was an Independent councillor. Daily Mail:
The man whom future historians will celebrate — or execrate, according to taste — is Paul Bartlett, 50, the independent town councillor and Milton Keynes alderman behind the proposed ban.
The only place that I've found him described as a Tory is in the Guardian.
Is everyone trying to distance themselves from him?
Councils throughout the country have their Bartletts. Some will have enough cunning to present themselves in a better light (couldn't be hard, could it?). I worry about Cameron's Localism.
Will the "Times" video of Rod Liddle not appear on You Tube sometime in the near future? I'd like to see it, but can't be arsed to go through the payment paraphernalia for a measly quid.
I won't pay even £1 on principle as long as we have to buy an overpriced TV licence to cover computer use as well.
Thanks for the link.
I just read "After all, they will ask themselves, how many anti-ban protests can there be? " in your latest post.
I get the imression that the people who turned up on Saturday will do it again and again, wherever necessary for as long as it takes. Probably in ever increasing numbers.
Is Paul Bartlett a Conservative councillor?
He used to be a conservative. But the party burst out laughing when he suggested himself as a possible mp, and he left in a huff.
I am Paul Bartlett and I would like to let you all know is that I had an illness called Cushing's Syndrome that makes one look very fat.
I had no choice in this ilness unlike smokers who bring illness upon themselves.
Rod Liddle should spout facts and not slag people he does not know, off.