Latest news from The Free Society

Hope to see some of you at tomorrow night's Voices of Freedom debate:
'Nudge and the Nanny State: how far should the state intervene in people’s lifestyle?'
Chaired by Dolan Cummings (Manifesto Club), the event features Josie Appleton (director, Manifesto Club), Dr Alena Buyx (assistant director, Nuffield Council on Bioethics), Dr Steve Davies (education director, Institute of Economic Affairs), John Springford (Social Market Foundation) and economist Paul Ormerod who is currently writing a book, Beyond Nudge: Networks and Public Policy in the 21st Century.
Venue: IEA, 2 Lord North Street, Westminster
Drinks from 6.15pm, discussion from 7.00pm.
Reader Comments (2)
I am pleased to see that you are intending to come to Manchester and reprise the debates in October. I WILL be there!
Speaking of a free society, I've just listened to a report on the Today programme on a project by Newcastle University which has placed cameras in students' bins and if said students fail to recycle they are "named and shamed" on Facebook. They hope to roll it out to staff.
No-one sees anything wrong with this.
I despair.