All American alien boy

I did an interview for Liverpool's Radio City last night.
According to the producer, Late Night City with Pete Price is "the biggest night-time talk show in the UK (outside London) and has won many international awards including World's Best Talk Show at the New York Radio Awards and Pete himself has just been nominated for Speech Radio Personality of the Year at the Sony Radio Awards".
They wanted to talk about the FDA's decision to regulate e-cigarettes as tobacco products and I was a bit apprehensive because I don't know much more than what I've read online.
As a result I missed the second half of Barcelona-Real Madrid because I was too busy swotting!
Thankfully we didn't spend a lot of time talking about e-cigs. Instead the conversation moved on to the treatment of consumers and other smoking-related issues and I think I got away with it.
After we finished recording Pete said: "Only the Americans can do what you just did."
I think it was a compliment.
Reader Comments (6)
Can't find the interview, have you got a link? Thanks.
Isn't FDA regulating e-cigs a double edged sword. On the one hand, regulated as tobacco requires less costly drug testing than being regulated as a medical device or stop-smoking medication. But on the other hand, regulating as tobacco would leave open the door for e-cig vaping bans, the same as the smoking bans, only against vaping in public, could it not?
If this country decides the same i.e. regulate e-cigs as tobacco, then they would automatically, be banned in enclosed public spaces
Yes a double edged sword. Because of the way the NJOY(SE) case was conducted the US situation bacame either/or. Either they were a drug delivery device and banned outright, or a tobacco product which the FDA could not ban. As you say indoor vaping bans have already taken place (Suffolk County NY I believe was the first) and others are being pushed. There are though different categories of Tobacco Product within US legislation and this is where the argument now lies.
Are you sure? What is 'lit'? The phrasing in the ban was (as I understand it) written is such a way as to avoid medicinal products such as inhalers. It probably would need a change in the law/wording.
I guess you don't have a link - eh?
West2: Yep, you could be right. I don't suppose e.g. chewing tobacco would be illegal in enclosed public spaces.