From your royal correspondent

Just back from four stress-free days in Scotland. Bliss.
On Thursday morning we went to the Glasgow Film Theatre to see a "screwball comedy" starring James Stewart and Ginger Rogers. Visiting the GFT is like stepping back in time, but in a good way. Within its wood-panelled walls are the most wonderful cinema and cafe that evoke the golden age of film. I can't recommend it highly enough.
On Friday we were in St Andrews. By coincidence Prince William and Kate Middleton were there too. Anyway, we were driving past my old school playing fields on the edge of town when we were held up by a police road block and signs that read 'Royal Visit'.
We had been sitting in a motionless queue of cars for perhaps ten minutes when a small cavalcade of vehicles, led by a police motorcyclist and a black Range Rover, passed in the opposite direction. And yes, in the Range Rover sat Kate and William, smiling broadly, directly at us, as we waved back at them.
A few hours later, following a leisurely lunch at a restaurant overlooking St Andrews Bay, we were strolling along Market Street when I was stopped by a film crew. Would I mind answering some questions about the monarchy and the young couple in particular?
The next minute I was launching into a short spiel. The crew looked at each other and laughed. "Do you do this for a living?" asked one.
No, but I'm open to offers ...
Reader Comments (2)
Re James Stewart, interesting factoid. During the second world war the allies 'accidently' bombed the Swiss city of Schaffhausen. Some say it was deliberate as the Swiss were manufacturing ball bearings and selling to the Germans. Anyway, there was a US Army inquiry (the US Airforce didn't exist then - planes were operated by the Army) and that enquiry was headed by US Army Major, one James Stewart.
We have one post (above) about Jimmie Sewart; mine concerns Ginger Rogers, whom I met by chance in a London restaurant some years ago. I had gone there with some friends, and unbeknown to us, the cast of "Mame" (I think) were holding an end of show party in the basement area there later.
The restaurant owner suggested that we take ourselves down there before everyone arrived, and would then be part of the party, which we of course did. I remember chatting to cast members before Ginger arrived, and boy were they bitching about her - but as soon as the Lady herself arrived, everyone was all over her, just shows you what these "queens" are like doesn't it?
Some way or another, I managed to get Ginger to come and sit at our table for a while, and we had quite a chat. But the bit that does stand out to me, was when she asked me for one of my cigarettes, I used to smoke Guauloises at the time, "I just love the smell of those French cigarettes" she said. I lit it for her, and another one for myself, and we both enjoyed both the smell, and our chat.
Unfortunately, I lent the only photograph of this occasion to a friend of mine, who I now don't see any more, so for me it is just a memory, and a distant lingering smell!