ASH recently added a briefing paper to their website.
Dated November 2024 but posted online this month, it’s entitled 'Briefing on the tobacco industry and their tactics' and includes the claim that:
The tobacco industry often works through proxy organisations who will represent industry interests. These organisations are frequently funded by the tobacco industry but will rarely declare this.
It adds:
Tobacco Tactics, an initiative run by the University of Bath, have compiled a list of front groups, lobby groups and think tanks that are associated with the tobacco industry, including the Adam Smith Institute and the Institute of Economic Affairs.
I'll come back to Tobacco Tactics, which I wrote about here shortly after its launch in 2012, but a small section of the ASH briefing paper is devoted exclusively to Forest.
The reason I mention it is because it's one of the laziest things I've ever read. According to ASH:
Forest is a ‘smokers rights’ group that regularly opposes tobacco policy and is often quoted in the media. Although they claim to speak for smokers they rely heavily on funding from the ‘big 4’ tobacco companies.
First, it's not true to say Forest gets funding from the ‘big 4’ tobacco companies.
We currently receive donations from two companies – JTI and Imperial Brands (formerly Imperial Tobacco).
We used to receive donations from a third company - British American Tobacco - but that stopped several years ago when BAT decided to go all in on next generation products and abandon smokers who don't want to quit.
Philip Morris, the other 'big 4' company alluded to but not named, hasn't donated a penny to Forest since 1997, almost 30 years ago, and it was £20k out of an annual budget of around £300k (at that time). So we certainly didn't 'rely heavily' on PM's contribution!
This may seem like splitting hairs but ASH would be the first to complain if we published information about their funding, including all those taxpayer-funded grants, that was not strictly accurate.
A phone call or an email to Forest and I would have happily set the record straight. But they couldn’t be bothered to fact check their own briefing.
What I can't get over though is just how dated all the 'information' is. It's as if they've cut and pasted something from 2010 or earlier:
In 2000, Simon Clark, the Director of Forest, when questioned by the Select Committee on health (sic) admitted that 96% of their budget came from industry.
Yes, this is factually correct, although the word ‘admitted’ is a bit misleading because it suggests they had to prise the information out of me, which was not the case. (We have always been very open about our primary source of funding.)
More important, why are they quoting something from a quarter of a century ago in a briefing paper written in 2024? And there’s more:
They have campaigned to repeal the 2007 indoor smoking ban even though the majority of smokers are supportive, along with 90% of non-smokers.
Again, not strictly true. We campaigned to amend the public smoking ban (and only in pubs and clubs), but our campaign effectively came to an end in 2011 when we had to put the Save Our Pubs & Clubs campaign on ice in order to fight plain packaging.
Furthermore, the link in the briefing paper takes readers to the results of an online poll conducted by market research firm Ciao Surveys, conveniently ignoring other polls that found that a majority of respondents supported designated smoking rooms in pubs and clubs long after the ban was introduced.
But that wouldn’t fit ASH’s sly dig which is designed to make Forest appear out of touch with the public, including smokers, when there is plenty of evidence to suggest otherwise.
The Tobacco and Vapes Bill returning to Parliament is the first step towards a smokefree future, creating a smokefree generation and taking vital powers to curb youth vaping. As the Bill progresses through Parliament it is likely that the tobacco industry will attempt to water down, disrupt or delay the Bill to buy more time in the UK market. Industry will always protect their profits - despite many company taglines portraying them as part of the ‘solution’.
This briefing provides a guide to the tactics and arguments we expect industry to use around this bill, along with the public health responses.
I can’t speak for the tobacco industry but it’s pretty clear what tactics the tobacco control industry is using – smear the opposition by employing old news that, in at least one instance, is factually incorrect.
It’s a small thing but it does make me question the accuracy of other information ASH has been using to brief parliamentarians and the media.
As for the Tobacco Tactics website, here's that 'list of front groups, lobby groups and think tanks that are associated with the tobacco industry'.
ASH describes Tobacco Tactics as 'an initiative run by the University of Bath'. What they don't say is that it is now 'part of STOP, a global tobacco industry watchdog' funded by Bloomberg Philanthropies whose founder is the three-time New York mayor (and billionaire) Mike Bloomberg.
Given how transparent they expect their opponents to be, this seems a rather unfortunate oversight.
Meanwhile, here’s part of my review of Tobacco Tactics, written shortly after its launch in 2012. (The Free Society referred to was a Forest affiliated initiative that ran from 2008 to 2015.)
TT lists contributors to The Free Society, some of whom have never written about tobacco.
It also names organisations that have co-hosted TFS events, ignoring the fact that many of them were on non-tobacco related issues and the word 'smoking' was never mentioned by the majority of speakers (who have been listed nevertheless).
Clearly, any association with Forest (even indirectly via The Free Society) is considered worthy of a mention.
I wonder what former Conservative party chairman David Davis MP, Matt Grist (senior researcher at Demos), Professor Terence Kealey (vice-chancellor at the University of Buckingham) and Toby Young (associate editor of The Spectator) will think of that.
When they agreed to take part in a discussion called 'Freedom, Education and the State' hosted by The Free Society and the Adam Smith Institute, I bet they weren't expecting their names to appear, a year or two later, on a website called Tobacco Tactics!