2018: Adam Smith Institute report suggests that if vaping replaces smoking Britons could save one million life years.
1 Million Years of Life: How Harm Reduction in Tobacco Policy Can Save Lives
Now a new ASI report, published yesterday, claims:
If the smoking rate in the North East, North West and Yorkshire and the Humber was reduced to London’s by smokers switching to vaping, nearly 2 million years of life would be saved.
Leaving aside the convoluted and somewhat questionable nature of this calculation, what next? Any advance on two million ‘life years’ that could be saved by vaping?
2030: 100 Billion Years of Life: How Reduced Risk Nicotine Products Can Save The Planet and End All Wars
See also: ‘Healthier, happier, freer’, how the ASI sees the future if more smokers quit and switch to vaping (June 2018).
Update: In response to one of Derek Chance's points in the comments I have written an additional post, 'E-cigarettes and consumer choice'.