The government is currently inviting responses to a consultation on 'The impact of tobacco laws introduced between 2010 and 2016'.
Those laws are:
- The Tobacco Advertising and Promotion (Display) (England) Regulations 2010
- The Tobacco and Advertising (Specialist Tobacconists) (England) Regulations 2010
- The Tobacco and Advertising (Display of Prices) (England) Regulations 2010
- The Smoke-free (Private Vehicles) Regulations 2015
- The Nicotine Inhaling Products (Age of Sale and Proxy Purchasing) Regulations 2015
Questions include:
- Do you think the display ban of tobacco in small and large shops has helped to reduce the number of children and young people smoking?
- Do you think the tobacco display ban has encouraged and supported adult smokers to quit?
- Is the display ban an effective way to protect children and young people from taking up smoking and supporting those who wish to quit?
- Have the Smoke-free (Private Vehicles) Regulations helped prevent people from smoking in vehicles with children?
- Do you believe prohibiting smoking in private vehicles is an effective way to protect children and young people from harms of tobacco and second-hand smoke?
- Do you think the Nicotine Inhaling Products Regulations have helped prevent the sale of nicotine inhaling products, including e-cigarettes, to under 18s?
- Has anyone else benefited from the age restriction and proxy (when an adult buys a product on behalf of a minor) purchasing ban on nicotine inhaling products?
The format is pretty simple. For example:
Do you think the tobacco display ban has encouraged and supported adult smokers to quit?
Yes, I think it has
No, I don’t think it has
I don’t know if it has or has not
I appreciate most of you will be pretty cynical about the outcome of any tobacco-related ‘consultation’, and with good reason. Nevertheless, we would welcome your participation.
To complete the online survey click here. Closing date is 15th September 2019.
Thank you!
Article originally appeared on Simon Clark (
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