Blast from the past
Monday, March 25, 2019 at 13:00
Simon Clark

Never thought I’d see one of these beauties again.

In February 2006, shortly before members of parliament voted to ban smoking in enclosed public places, we sent every MP a final briefing note plus a special gift - an ashtray emblazoned with our campaign logo.

Although they were hand delivered we discovered later that quite a few got chipped or broken en route so I was more than surprised, two weeks ago, to meet a politician who still had one in mint condition.

When I say ‘mint’, I mean it was still in one piece. In truth it was filthy. It sat on a low wall in his garden and following overnight rain fag ends were floating around in the dirty water that had collected in it.

Nevertheless I can’t tell you how delighted I was that, 13 years on, one of our ashtrays had not only survived, it was still in daily use.

Anyway, by complete coincidence, I have since stumbled upon one of the original samples and here it is.

A design classic, I think you’ll agree.

Article originally appeared on Simon Clark (
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