From the Forest inbox.
Good Morning,
I wanted to let you know how helpful your anti smoking and other healthy lifestyle resources and info are. I volunteer at an after school program and am working on an anti smoking and healthy lifestyle project and presentation I am going to be putting on next week. I thought your page had a lot of really helpful info, and thought I'd shoot you a quick note in appreciation!
The internet has so much information coming from all angles, and I really appreciate coming across a page like yours with a bunch of great information all in the same place. I thought on that note, it'd be great to share another anti smoking article with you [Smoking FAQs: Cancer, Heart Disease, Death & Tips To Quitting]. I thought it was a very well done article about smoking and the detrimental effects on so many parts of your body. I'd be glad to know I was able to contribute another helpful/informative article about quitting smoking!
Thanks again for all of the great info. I think this will be a great project, and I hope it resonates with the kids! I've never been a smoker, and I'm really thankful for that. I can't imagine how tough it is to stop. If you end up being able to include the article, please let me know! Hope you have a wonderful day, and hope to speak again soon!
My pleasure.