The first report about Dundee City Council banning smoking and vaping at work was published by the local evening paper on Thursday.
The story was then picked up - online and in print - by media outlets in England as well as Scotland on Friday and Saturday.
I won’t list them all but these are the ones that included a quote from Forest:
Dundee Evening Telegraph
Scottish Daily Mail
The Sun
Daily Record
STV News
London Evening Standard
The story continues to run even today.
This morning I’m on the BBC Radio Scotland phone-in and later I’m due to speak to former Scotland rugby player John Beattie - a former smoker - who is now the lunchtime presenter on the same station.
Update: There were some good callers on the phone-in including Morag the former council social worker who was scathing about the council’s new policy.
There was also a lot of focus on the role model aspect of the policy. (Dundee City Council wants employees to be role models for children.)
I didn’t get a chance to say it but it does strike me that if we’re moving in that direction any council worker who is overweight or obese needs to start losing a few pounds before the health police come for them too.
PS. On a different issue, I was on BBC Radio Northamptonshire shortly after eight this morning talking about local council funding of stop smoking services.
Forest is against, but I’ll return to that later.